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April 09, 2008


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It is official, Greenspan says resession. In my industry I would call it a depression. What happens if we fall to depression? Can this generation hack it? During the depression if the 30's America was much more agrerian (less civilized). Now that the libs have more Americans crammed into the cities and "civilized" how will a depression go down now, our boot straps are now Berkenstock velcro. Have we lost our ability to fend? In order to survive we must have the knowledge to fend, the desire to do it, and a moral compass. Of all of these the moral compass is the most important. The moral compass must be founded and not newly found. The compass should promote charity and compassion yet look upon those who take which does not belong to them with swift, definite, predictable action. Moral relitivizim will be the death of America, come depression. We have no the Bible.



Food for thought:

Only an idiot would advertise the fact that they have 'guns and ammo' in a New York Times article.


You only wish you could be like Val Vontourne. Trust me, she has guns & ammo; real big guns & ammo.

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