By Selwyn Duke
It's now well-known that the mainstream media studiously avoids identifying the race or ethnicity of criminals or terrorists. When Moslems riot, for instance, usually absent from articles on the subject is any reference to the religious classification of the rioters. Used instead is a characterization such as the generic "youths." "Two-hundred 'youths' rioted in protest of police measures," a paper may write. I have found an interesting exception to this practice, however, in a Daily Mail article in which they seem to take pains to identify a terrorist suspect as a white, "fair-haired" lad.
Now, I've come to a realization. Why should I insist on walking up the down staircase? Why should I languish in the alternative media -- where pay and exposure are lower -- when simple formulaic devotion to a politically-correct creed is all that's necessary to be a mainstream-media success story? Besides, I really think I could do a better job of rendering politically-correct reportage than the unidentified individual who wrote the piece in question. To prove this, I will illustrate how I would re-write the story. (What follows is an excerpt of the article with my additions.)
The title is fine, so I'd retain it.
White boy, 12, suspected of being Islamic extremist recruit after he showed beheading videos to classmates
By Daily Mail Reporter Selwyn Duke
An extremely white 12-year-old schoolboy is among 120 people (who we don't need to worry about) being dealt with by police in a new project combating some-unnamed-religion-inspired violent extremism, it was revealed today.
The pale child, who has only been identified by the initials BC -- and is not black or Muslim, remember that -- was reported by his school in West Yorkshire after he was found circulating video clips of terrorists beheading Westerners.
Sick films were distributed to classmates on their mobile phones, prompting a teacher to march the blond-haired, blue-eyed boy to the local police station.
West Yorkshire Chief Constable Sir Norman Bettison revealed: 'The unbelievably white child that we are working with has been downloading Jihadist beheading videos and circulating them around school.'
'That was bad enough, but he also has an unnatural interest in guns and weapons. This is alarming, as never before in the annals of man has a male child ever exhibited a fascination with such things.'
Sir Norman described BC as an 'angelic looking boy' with alabaster skin and a police mugshot shown to delegates depicted a fair-haired child so short that his white face was barely in the frame of the camera.
'He is at risk of being a violent white young man and a threat to our multicultural society,' the chief constable said.
Sir Norman concluded with, 'I was really struck by how white this boy was; I didn't realize that epidermal melanin content could be that low. I really believe he has spent too much time cooped up indoors. Nevertheless, we're happy to have taken him into custody, otherwise he might have been all over society whiter than rice.'
So there you have it. Daily Mail, New York Times, Washington Post, et al., take note. I could be your fair-haired boy.
I'll tell you what's truly disgusting by the Downstream Media's treatment here. Not only are they inventing the opportunity to cast aspersion on the "priveleged" white race, but that they are, at the same time, doing it by upping our fear factor! As in, "Holy Cr@p! Extremist recruitment going on! and abducting our impressionalble white youth!!!"
They're friggin playing both sides of the board with this garbage..
Posted by: W. Tieff | June 27, 2008 at 02:17 PM