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« Reader Email: Hey, Why Don't You Lay Off Obama and His Birth Certificate, Duke? | Main | Communists Celebrate Obama's Victory »

December 02, 2008


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I wonder if Rev. Shmuck ever considered, perhaps the only reason the entire earths population has not been decimated many times over due to STDs of all sorts is because of self restraint with religious origins. Judeo Christian values, in respect to sexual monogamy have not only averted the eminent physical demise of mankind but it has also separated us from the animal. In many cultures incest and sex with kids was not only tolerated but a part of their culture. Some of these cultures still will not let go of such tradition. For the time being I think most, even liberal Americans, consider incest and statutory rape sub human behavior. I fear such "beliefs" are merely the residue of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Has our national morality has seen its first half life?


Why even go to church if it's just going to be an activist meeting? Sheesh!


"In many cultures incest and sex with kids was not only tolerated but a part of their culture. Some of these cultures still will not let go of such tradition." Walt




In fear of being non-PC I would rather not mention specifics. One hint, you will not have to travel too far to find one.


That was never proven and and the general accusation came from a disreputable source and was acted upon by over the top law enforcement. Anyway, you said "many." So name some others.


That was never proven and and the general accusation came from a disreputable source and was acted upon by over the top law enforcement. Anyway, you said "many." So name some others.


Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

W. Tieff

Greed is what keeps the Rich from eliminating the poor..


Long-haired preachers come out every night,
Try to tell you what's wrong and what's right;
But when asked how 'bout something to eat
They will answer with voices so sweet:

You will eat, bye and bye,
In that glorious land in the sky;
Work and pray, live on hay,
You'll get pie in the sky when you die.


Joe, please take two arsenic tablets and see the Devil in the morning.


Take a couple yourself. If God saves you let me know. Or better yet, put it on U-Tube. I'd like to see that one. Let's see how much faith you really have. I'm waiting...


Feeling pretty good about yourself? I’m worried about John! What if he actually took those arsenic tablets and the Holy Spirit was taking a nap? It’s on you man…

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