By Selwyn Duke
It's really quite strange when you encounter a theologian or man of the cloth who appears to have no faith. One could really wonder why they devote their lives to something they seem to believe is a fairytale. I suppose they're much like experts in ancient literature.
Some people who fit this description want us to be non-judgmental with respect to risky sexual behavior. reports on their goals, writing:
"Religious leaders and AIDS activists told Tuesday that labeling sex outside of marriage as sinful or having multiple partners as immoral behavior is 'biased' – something society has 'moved beyond.'"
I'm sure, and I suppose we've moved beyond intellectual honesty as well. After all, one of these libertines, a Reverend Michael Schuenemeyer, executive for health and wholeness advocacy in the national offices of the United Church of Christ, was asked the following question by CNSNews:
"Isn’t ‘having multiple partners’ one of the major causes or routes for acquiring HIV, and doesn’t your religion label that as promiscuity or immorality? Shouldn’t religions counsel against sexual immorality?"
And he refused to respond.
Ah, we live in an age in which churchmen have become politicians . . . or maybe it's that we have politicians posing as churchmen. Well, regardless, they are poseurs.
The reason why I'm comfortable making such a judgment about their faith is that they exhibit profound ignorance of a basic tenet of Christianity. These people would reduce the Church to a social services or charitable organization -- and "reduce" is the operative word. Charity is noble and no entity in history has done a better job of administering it than the Church (the Catholic Church is the largest provider of aid to the poor worldwide next to the U.S. government), and it should continue to provide for people's material needs to the best of its ability. Yet its mission is infinitely greater than that.
To paraphrase Jesus, "Do not fear that which destroys the body; fear that which destroys the soul."
Now, I'm sure many of the activists cited by CNSNews would find the above to be as much of an anachronism as sexual morality, but a believer of any depth understands it as a profound Truth.
If all we perceive is this world -- if we think there's nothing beyond it -- then staying in this world as long as possible becomes an overriding concern; this is something that leads to a fixation with health. But we will spend eternity in the great beyond, and what is this life as compared to eternity? It is like a grain of sand in a desert or a drop of water in an ocean.
This is why Jesus asked, "What does it profit a man to gain the world but to lose his soul?" A church's primary task is to prepare people for their journey home; it is there mainly to save souls, not flesh. Of course, the Church should do its utmost to encourage people to be a good caretaker of the temple of the soul, but this is nevertheless a secondary concern.
Thus, Rev. Schuenemeyer is in the wrong business. A man of the cloth is not a doctor, social worker, psychologist or activist; his main job is to warn people about spiritual poison, about that which separates them from God and jeopardizes salvation. His overriding concern must be spiritual health, not physical.
If he doesn't understand this simple Truth, he is no kind of man of God at all.
© 2008 Selwyn Duke -- All Rights Reserved
I wonder if Rev. Shmuck ever considered, perhaps the only reason the entire earths population has not been decimated many times over due to STDs of all sorts is because of self restraint with religious origins. Judeo Christian values, in respect to sexual monogamy have not only averted the eminent physical demise of mankind but it has also separated us from the animal. In many cultures incest and sex with kids was not only tolerated but a part of their culture. Some of these cultures still will not let go of such tradition. For the time being I think most, even liberal Americans, consider incest and statutory rape sub human behavior. I fear such "beliefs" are merely the residue of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Has our national morality has seen its first half life?
Posted by: Walt | December 02, 2008 at 01:13 PM
Why even go to church if it's just going to be an activist meeting? Sheesh!
Posted by: Linda | December 02, 2008 at 03:41 PM
"In many cultures incest and sex with kids was not only tolerated but a part of their culture. Some of these cultures still will not let go of such tradition." Walt
Posted by: Conner | December 06, 2008 at 05:25 PM
In fear of being non-PC I would rather not mention specifics. One hint, you will not have to travel too far to find one.
Posted by: Walt | December 06, 2008 at 05:40 PM
That was never proven and and the general accusation came from a disreputable source and was acted upon by over the top law enforcement. Anyway, you said "many." So name some others.
Posted by: Conner | December 06, 2008 at 06:27 PM
That was never proven and and the general accusation came from a disreputable source and was acted upon by over the top law enforcement. Anyway, you said "many." So name some others.
Posted by: Conner | December 06, 2008 at 06:42 PM
Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.
Posted by: Nate | December 06, 2008 at 08:28 PM
Greed is what keeps the Rich from eliminating the poor..
Posted by: W. Tieff | December 07, 2008 at 01:21 AM
Long-haired preachers come out every night,
Try to tell you what's wrong and what's right;
But when asked how 'bout something to eat
They will answer with voices so sweet:
You will eat, bye and bye,
In that glorious land in the sky;
Work and pray, live on hay,
You'll get pie in the sky when you die.
Posted by: joe | December 07, 2008 at 10:12 AM
Joe, please take two arsenic tablets and see the Devil in the morning.
Posted by: John | December 07, 2008 at 01:34 PM
Take a couple yourself. If God saves you let me know. Or better yet, put it on U-Tube. I'd like to see that one. Let's see how much faith you really have. I'm waiting...
Posted by: Joe | December 07, 2008 at 02:25 PM
Feeling pretty good about yourself? I’m worried about John! What if he actually took those arsenic tablets and the Holy Spirit was taking a nap? It’s on you man…
Posted by: Rosemary | December 08, 2008 at 07:43 PM