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February 13, 2009


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Duke you are wrong on onli point. Williamson is now a bishop in the Catholic chruch. He doesn't have ecclesiastical duties but he is a bishop.

Remember the pope is just first amongh bishops. and all bishops have the right to validly consecrate other bishops. The pope can't undo it.


Well here we go again. Now that the vast majority of the Holocaust eye witnesses have passed from the earth, the charge to revise history is afoot. Holocaust denial, once an exclusively Muslim sport, is now being joined by other leftist agents. I do believe Williamson's statements are yet another trial balloon, for the leftist propaganda machine. I do not think the machine expects a lot of direct traction from Williamson's fairy tale version of the Non-Holocaust, but such a test accomplished two things. The first it will inspire the fringe leftists (mostly the useful idiots/conspiracy theorists) to act alone, and carry the water for the cause. You will likely see protest signs, in the mass of useful idiots, at the next WTO meeting saying perhaps "The Holocaust another Jew lie" or "Jew lie, no one died" or "The Holocaust, another lie of the West." Although, when these loons pop up in the great leftist protest machine they will largely be simply tolerated. However, they will also be feeding the second purpose of the trial balloon; confusion. The leftist machine plants seeds of confusion at every turn. They do not expect all of the seeds to sprout and become fully mature leftist trees in one day but they do expect a crop of fruit. By sending a Holocaust denial message through a "bishop," implies disunity in the church and also makes the laziest minds question their understanding. An example a teenager asked me the other day, (we were talking about the 9-11 pentagon conspiracy) "how do you know what is true?" This was a prime example in my mind of how the most absurd propaganda can receive consideration in the minds of our youth. I also expect within the next year or two a History channel or National Geographic special on this topic. The title could be "The Holocaust- Real or rouse” The show will feature, Islamic historians, guys like Williamson, perhaps a few PHD types with glasses on the tip of their nose and English accent guys that speak slowly with artfull hesitation in their voice. The episode will not come to any conclusion but they will plant more seeds and fertilize the sprouted ones. Hollywood will get involved and produce a movie about some great CIA scheme to demonize The Nazi party (Socialists) and the Soviets (communist), and imply a Zionistic controlled CIA and Illuminati. It sounds far fetched but the movie and book "The Davinci Code" was an admitted fiction, yet millions swallowed the hook all the way to their gills. Williams is yet another leftist operative.



Interesting take. Where would you draw the line between honest inquiry and nutty conspiracies? Holocaust denial intrigued me because of Europe's(the left) response to it, and that is to jail anyone who dares to questions dogmatic orthodox teachings(sound familiar). Anyone who questions holocaust teachings is dichotomized into good and evil faster than the prison bars slam shut. That is a scary tactic to break down and destroy free speech. Especially interesting is the fact that a Jew survivor(Rassinier) was the one to first bring revisionism to the table.
Your response had a twist of irony from your usual repsonses. Traditionally, I believed American conservatism(the ideals not the party) was about freedom of speech regardless. For example: As much as it bothers my soul to see someone reject christ, I wouldnt want to outlaw the making of "Da vinci code". Maybe I am wrong about this but it seems wrong to use labeling or censoring to beat my opponents ideas...Id rather beat them with truth. Granted, some people ignore the truth anyway but well thats usually stupid people. Did I take your post the wrong way?



You wrote: "This is what they do in Germany, after all, where historian David Irving did a stretch in prison for Holocaust revisionism."

That's factually wrong on two accounts. Irving has been imprisoned in Austria, and he is not a historian.



I think you at least took some of the post wrong. The summary of your post was,

"Maybe I am wrong about this but it seems wrong to use labeling or censoring to beat my opponents ideas...Id rather beat them with truth."

First off I certainly did not intend for my post to imply I endorse censorship, quite the opposite. I whole heartedly believe in personal and economic freedom, as I think most Americans do (although most are too lazy to defend it). I consider any person or group that seeks to infringe upon those liberties my enemy. The war we fight today is not with guns, bombs and gas chambers like the last leftist attempt to meld the world under one flag, this battle is for the mind of the state. My post was mostly intended as an example of the enemy's tactics and the vulnerability of the conditioned mind. Our country's moral decay, the leftisim of the press, academia, entertainment and the churches are not by accident. This societal evolution was not of a natural conception, but rather a planned invasion. The blue print for this invasion was one of Antonio Gramsci; he called his plan "Cultural hegemony." You can get a good idea about who Gramsci was and did by a simple Wikipedia search. However, tying his prescription for cultural change of this day and this world is best done in the book "Shadow World" by Robert Chandler, and is also explained in some of the writings of, self described "red diaper baby," David Horowitz.

As far as "using beat my opponent’s ideas." I really just use labels to describe someone or something. When I use the term "leftist" I intend it to be a harsher version of the left side of the isle. I do not lump all left wingers into the leftist category. I would prefer to use the word Marxist, Communist or Fascist instead of leftist but the whole world knows communism died with the fall of the Berlin wall and the CCCP, to use such terms would smack McCarthy, to the conditioned masses. So I will just use the word leftist for now and if I am in a good mood I may call them "economic democrats"; I think they rather prefer that label.



Yes, I do see where you are coming from. I think what stuck out in my mind is your example of revionism. I'm not opening that argument by any means, but I hate to see how Europe(and everywhere else but USA for now) has infringed upon people the way they have as a response to revionism. They have opened the door to trampling over every freedom of speech under the clause of "incitement to hatred". But yes, I understand what your saying. Thank you for the reply.


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