BILL MAHER: Foolish Rambling about Global Warming
This segment from Bill Maher's show is a good example of what the sheeple are exposed to, and why they are sheeple. As for Maher, he's living proof of why a little knowledge is dangerous. A more smug man there never was, yet he is as nonintellectual as they come.
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what part of survival you can't spell?,... i mean really, are you that crazy to deny Global Warming?... i digress, i should have used imoral.
Posted by: yeah you will delete this comment i know | April 27, 2009 at 12:26 AM
I love it Bill Maher and his team of experts. Dana Gould (comedian), a Vanity Fair employee and Howard Arrraaahhhhgghhaaa Dean. Was a cast of idiots. Global warming is a lie; one world government is the plan.
Posted by: Walt | April 27, 2009 at 07:19 PM
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. - Romans 1:22.
Could this statement be any more apt? Any more relevant?
Ask yourself a question: Is it better to trust the judgement of an ancient text that is the bestselling book of all time (and continues to be so anually) or a so-called comedian that is utterly irrelevant and has not been funny in decades, if ever?
Bill Maher is a despicable cretin. Who has dibs on stomping on his fingers as he clings to prevent being thrown into the lake of fire?
Posted by: Philip France | April 27, 2009 at 10:04 PM
And he thinks it is warm now?!?!?! He has no idea how warm it's gonna be where he's headed. Bill Maher is such a pathetic little man.. Seriously he needs to get on his knees and thank God that people make the mistake of calling him a human being. What a douche bag!!!
Posted by: Mike | April 28, 2009 at 03:26 PM
What part of "manipulation" can't YOU spell? Nobody is denying that the average temperature of the planet has risen a fraction, that isn't the problem. The problem is the part of the population that believes MAN is responsible for it and can in any way, shape, or form, have any effect on changing it. What arrogance! It is the single most unscientific conclusion I've ever heard of. There are way too many variables in the equation of what effects climate to ever prove conclusively that man can change it one iota. But facts don't matter, only what you can get people to believe. It will be used as a money making scheme (cap and trade) and as a way to control people and businesses.
Posted by: Janice | April 30, 2009 at 09:24 AM
It is sun spots. All else is mental flatulation.
Posted by: Walt | April 30, 2009 at 06:32 PM