Obama Passing New Law to Allow Searching of PC's, Laptops, and Media Devices
The mainstream media and far left were crying about the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretaps. Where are they on this?
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Aren't they making official what's already being done? I guess the legislation means you can actually prosecute someone based on what's been found in a hard drive but as an individual I haven't had much if any privacy on the internet: Many though not all of my files have been accessed by sites I visit with the possible exception of this one; My internet searches are often intercepted with the entity responsible making it known to me; I dare not journal on the same computer I use to surf the internet.
Welcome to my world.
Posted by: tj | April 20, 2009 at 12:53 PM
John Q., if he were a conspiracy-nut would say, Not to worry if you are a Progressive returning from abroad during the Obama years. This law is intended to harass and stop Conservatives from reentering the country.
This law is good for the economy as all rightwingers will have to buy a second squeaky-clean computer for foreign travel.
Posted by: John Q. Public | April 20, 2009 at 03:17 PM
When are we going to wake up to the fact that a phony crypto-Marxist has been elected (well, sort of) to our highest office?
How many tax-cheats, perverts, pornographers and far-Leftists will be appointed to critical positions will it take before we realize that we are turning into Cuba?
How many violent dictators' toes will Obama suck before we realize that we have a self-loathing, America-hating, Oedipus-complex fraud of a man in our White House?
Posted by: Philip France | April 20, 2009 at 11:45 PM