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April 17, 2009


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Robert Berger

I'm sick and tired of self-righteous conservatives telling others whats "Moral" or "immoral",as if they,and they alone were the supreme judges. Leave that to God,and God alone. To compare homosexuality to bestiality and incest etc is ridiculous,and to imply that if society becomes more tolerant of homosexuality,it will lead to a mass outbreak of deparavity. What a load of you know what!
Why are conservatives so concerned aboput what consenting adult do in provate? What business is this of theirs? And I'm heterosexual.
All this talk of"moral relativism" is just so much hooey.There's no such thing. Non-conservatives don't think that there is no such thing as right or wrong. They just realize that while some things are obviously right or wrong,other things are not so black and white.
If some student were to come into class with a T shirt on saying that Homosexuality is wrong, that's the student's right,even though schools wouldn't toleerate it today with political correctness. I believe in free speech,and that people have the right to express their opinions,even if they say something stupid and bigoted.
But how would Jewish students in school like it if some evangelical Christian student came in with a T shirt saying that"Judaism is a false religion-only Christians go to heaven", or if another came in with a T shirt saying"blacks are inferior,stupid and lazy-don't let them vote or go to college etc", ?
When I went to public schools in the 60s on Long Island, homosexuality wasn't even an issue. It was never mentioned in any class I took. No,either students or faculty even seemed interested in it. No students announced their gayness, and I never saw any gay bashing,other than an occaisional kid calling another"faggot". But that was just trash talk.
Of course,some of the kids at my schools were gay,and some of the teachers,too. But no one even seemed interested in homosexuality.We all just minded our own business. Abortion wasn't an issue either,even though it was common back then,too. We never discussed it in school. No one was interested.
The same was true of religion. No Christian kld ever told me that as a (non-observant) Jew,I was doomed to hellfire. We didn't wear our religions on our sleeves. It was a very different America back then.
Why can't students,parents and teachers be more like this today.


Because, Robert, they (the homosexuals) are IN YOUR FACE about it today. They don't keep it in the bedroom. They practice their immoral behavior and pervertedness in PUBLIC, for crying out loud. They're the ones that have COME OUT OF THE CLOSET. We HAVE been minding our own business, Robert. But this is now and that was then. In our little small town, they have a Gay Parade every year. Whoop-te-do. They want to be legitimized by having a parade? Give me a break. They want to shove political correctness and deviant behavior down our throats. If being homosexual is so natural and so moral, then why do they have to have a parade to prove it? Why do they have to have a stupid Day of Silence to legitimize it? What are we (the "self-righteous conservatives")supposed to do? Have a Day of Silence of our own? What utter nonsense you spew. Thou doth protest too loudly, my dear. And by the way, I wouldn't and don't say anything to them -- let them burn in hell. It's their choice.


1. Sorry but I would rather live in a moral society then an immoral one, which is where we are now. Take a hard look around you Bub. Oh, by the way God left it up to us; you know that free choice thing. But don’t except him to put his stamp of approval on it.

2. Have you taken a look at who shows up at those homosexual parades? Don’t even try and tell me that bestiality and incest is off the table along with boy love. I noticed that you didn’t mention that.

3. Most of us conservatives would not be all that concerned about what consenting adults do in private if we weren’t contently having our noses rubbed in it and even worse our children’s noses as well.

4. When I went to school it was the same way as when you went to school, what you don’t seem to realize is that in those days it was conservatives in control.

One more thing Robert, when we went to school back then, why is it that no kid EVER brought a gun to school and killed indiscriminately. We had to wait for 90’s for that delight. Might it be that us conservatives lost control of our society?


Dale, We almost always had guns in at school. We would often go pheasant hunting after school. At lunch time it was no biggie to go out to the parking lot and look at a buddies new shotgun. A lot has changed over the last 20 some it is a felony to do what we did. The 20 some years of change has not been for the better and it has certainly been a move to the left. If I thought it would make a diff I would explain. But it won't. If I wasn't afraid of offending retarded people I would say leftists are retarded...but I won't.

Robert Berger

Nobody is forcing you or anybody else to attend gay pride marches.
If you don't like them,don't go. And how do you know that gays are automatically going to hell,or even that there is a hell? It's rather presumptuous for you or any one else to speak for god.
The fact is,that you conservatives have been taught to be intolerant of gays by your parents and the church,and your blind acceptance of what is written in the Bible. Just because some ancient book of fairy tales written by ignorant,superstitiopus people in ancient times contains statements condemning homosexuality doesn't mean that WE in this supposedly enlightened day and age should use these as an excuse to think that we're so much better and moral that people who have lifestyles we disapproce of.
No,kids didn't bring guns to school back then, but the chaotic situation in many public schools today isn't the result of"liberalism".
But it's appalling the way so many kids today are taught to be intolerant of homosexuality and other things that are none of their business. It's the parent's fault. I wasn't taught to be this way by my parents. They never even mentioned homosexuality. I was taught to think for myself and to live and let live. I'm so fortunate to have grown up without religious fanatics for parents ! I pity the kids of religious conservative parents today. You think that public schools are brainwashing kids today? Most homeschooled kids are brainwashed,too, in a different but no better way from public schools.
When I went to public schools,we just studied different subjects.WE weren't brainwashed in any way, either left or right wing.


"The fact is,that you conservatives have been taught to be intolerant of gays by your parents and the church,and your blind acceptance of what is written in the Bible." RB

You're being ridiculous. When I was a child, I was taught to be kind especially to kids who were ostracized. I realize now that some of the kids I made an effort to treat respectfully despite my peers' attitudes towards them were probably gay. You have to admit that fundamentalists are at least being consistent: Any criticism of homosexuality is directed at promiscuity and deviance just as it is towards most heterosexual sex outside of marriage. You've blended many things in your statement. Sure there are people who will reflexively persecute anyone they perceive as being weird but the admonitions against what some consider to be sinful behavior fall into a different category altogether.

WRT the article in general. This is just more mobilization to gain more rights for homosexuals at the expense of those who embrace tradition and religion. In my own experience, I've often found gays to be anything but innocent victims of society; On the contrary, I've had to defend myself against gays who targeted me because they disagreed with my beliefs or didn't like my more traditional perspective on life. I suspect that a component of the mistreatment I suffered in the form of being mocked as a "breeder", taunted for being stupid because I was conventional and then deliberately shocked with revelations about gay sexuality was anger at me because of my relative innocence.

Really, at some point gays have to admit that preemptive strikes against people they believe are going to insult them, deny them their civil liberties or damage their psyches are simply acts of aggression. Then again maybe society will disintegrate and start anew before this happens.


Walt, thanks I’m always hesitant to put myself out there on these blogs. And, your right about guns in schools, in the past country boys did bring their guns to school, sometimes gym classes even had skeet shooting.

Robert, sooner or later people will catch on that you’re out there just yanking us around, lets just say "I get it" and call it a day.

Philip France

Robert claims that "WE weren't brainwashed". Oh no? Every single one of your statements indicates that indeed you have been. Perhaps not in high school but your rantings here demonstrate clearly that you have swallowed The Big Lie and its treble hook is deep within you.

Modern-day liberalism is not "liberal" at all. It is childish on the surface, cloaking itself in fantasy-veneer of good intentions and "utopia" but if you examine the facts as recorded by history, Leftist ideaology has produced nothing but misery. Every single "liberal" icon has been proven factually false, with millions, if not billions suffering in its aftermath. To mention just a few:

Socialism (millions of innocents dead and starving).

Communism (millions of innocents dead and imprisoned, more starvation and trampling of individuality).

Gun control (always results in more crime, not less).

Abortion "rights". The lie of "choice" excludes the choice of the developing fetus. This heresy is nothing more than the fulfillment of the fantasy of Margaret Sanger to eliminate the "negro" race through eugenics.

Fuel economy. More Americans have been killed by unsafe CAFE standards than were killed in 6 years of war in Iraq.

Eco-Marxism. The Left is to blame for the millions of Africans, most of them children, who have died of Malaria since the Left declared its opposition to DDT (from which no human or animal has ever suffered).

The normalization of homosexuality/sodomy. Have you never learned of the decline and moral decay of the ancient Greek and Roman empires? Have you never heard of Ernst Rohm?

The war on poverty? After billions in redistributed wealth, what do we have but more poverty and in larger percentages.

Had enough? I could go on for days. One of the most galling tactics of the Left is its lexicon of terminology in which it calls things that which it is not. This is known to sane people as lying. The O'Bummer administration can't call the War on Terror what it is. They cannot call terrorists what they are. Robert, even you should know that if you take a jar of pickles and put a label on it that says "Apples", it does not change the pickles in the jar.

You may have completed high school, but your social and political acumen, as is those of your fellow Leftist travellers, is that of a 3rd grader.

Robert Berger

Your assumption that I'm a doctrinaire left winger and believe in marxism and communism etc,and multiculturalism and political correctness,and that I'm an America-hating,blame America first, unpatriotic,godless,immoral,hedonistic,gay, commie, moral relativist etc,shows that you have completely misunderstood what I was trying to say .
I'm not that kind of stereotypical left winger at all which right wingers love to stereotype. You think I don't know how horrible the Soviet,Chinese,Cuban,North Korean and Cambodian are or were,and about all the millions of innocent people killed under communism? Of coursr I do.
But what good has conservatism done for America? It has caused poor people to be denied desperately needed help,hasn't stopped abortion at all but only INCREASED it,and conservative's opposition to homosexuality hasn't caused it to go away,as if it ever could,it has interfered with people's private lives, taken away our freedoms,allowed the environment to be despoiled,and big business to harm the p[ublic with impunity,caused censorship of what we read and view in public or private,allowed fanatical religious conservatives to make laws restricitng people's freedom, thwarted vital medical and scientific research which could have improved the lives of countless people,fostered intolerance and bigotry, paranoid fear of other countries, failed to reduce crime, made it easier for innocent people to be executed for murders they did not commit,and much else that no society should be subject to.
Just because you believe in the separation of church and state doesn't mean you an anti-christian bigot,or because you are pro-choice that you hate children and want more and more abortions, or that if youre for reasonable gun control that you want the government to go into people's homes and confiscate weapons,and that if you're liberal you're against people getting rich and believe in all that garbage about liberal politicians robbing Americans of their wealth etc,or that you think that there is no right or wrong,and that any behavior is acceptable etc.
When the government helps those in need,it's not socialism,but good government. Just reducing taxes as much as possible does not promote the general prosperity. Some get rich, but the poor and those down on their luck suffer needlessly. I believe all this.It doesn't make me an evil communist.
And the government cannot force people to be virtuous by making laws against certain sexual conduct or making abortion illegal, or censoring what we read and view. This is why conservatives like you are wrong.


There's really too much to address comprehensively, RB, though you do equate every negative in society with conservatism. I'm really curious about those desperate people not being able to get help, btw. We have a vast network of people who get government aid along with the organizations that serve them. And what about all those foreign nationals getting so much free healthcare they've bankrupted hospitals?

What freedoms of yours have been restricted by legislation sponsored by conservatives, other than the right to call a same-sex union marriage?

I'll skip to the fiscal now. Reducing taxes takes money out of the hands of those governing conservatives who have supposedly caused so much harm, how can this be evil? The best way to provide for those desperate people is to create an environment that encourages entrepreneurship and inventions which in turn create jobs. What you think of as big business is a marriage of certain powerful leaders in various industries with a government that legislates on their behalf be it in a misguided belief that it keeps the economy going or merely as a way to enrich themselves via kickbacks, etc. This is not a result of conservatism, btw, since government interference may help maintain a monopoly that couldn't exist otherwise. You are free to call these people Republicans or oligarchs but this is not conservatism.

From everything I've heard, crime rates are generally lower now. Please provide sources if you know otherwise.

As far as censorship, certain sexual conduct and legalizing drugs (which you forgot to mention), I believe conservatives are concerned with addictive behavior that destroys individuals because it ultimately wreaks havoc on society. Those who believe in total laissez-faire be it in the realm of the market or in moral issues are more typically referred to as libertarians. The more pragmatic conservative realizes that sometimes people have to be protected from their baser urges especially when the potential for irrational, destructive addiction is involved and most particularly when they are minors. Also, what happens when we legalize prostitution? People down on their luck who wouldn't engage in illegal activity might now believe this is acceptable employment.

No, you can't force people to be virtuous but you can discourage them from being hedonists who are so concerned with immediate pleasure they fail to consider the consequences to themselves, their children or society. Sure the more intelligent and the wealthy are better able to engage in risky behavior without suffering dire consequences but what about the poor and less educated. I guess you feel absolved of all responsibility when the government sends a welfare check to some poor soul who has had their life destroyed by drug addiction.


Robert, no offense but either you have really, really bad typing skills or you are illiterate. You have more typos than my ten year old son. Anyway homosexuality is a dead end. Can you tell me one single thing that comes out of a homosexual relationship other than selfish satisfaction? Oh, and other than an increase in the likelihood of contracting some incurable disease? I guess you think that being "gay" or "bisexual" is ok? Frankly I think it is a disgusting idea however I do think that the fact that these self-will run riot people are outing themselves is a good thing. At least we heterosexuals not involved in a monogamous relationship know who to steer clear of. Oh and BTW you call yourself a "Jew" what exactly is a "Jew" my friend? Apparently you are ignorant of the fact that "Jews" are descendants of the tribe of Judah.. So is that the tribe you are from?? "Jew". If so, what is the importance of you even mentioning the fact that you are a "Jew"?

Philip France


I intend this with all sincerity and I do not intend to disparage you. I honestly want to know what drugs and/or medication you are taking.

Your postings are irrational, incoherent and have not one iota of factual basis. I pity you and I would like to help you to understand reality. I truly do.

Robert Berger

I'm far from illiterate. Sorry about the typos,but they're all fingerslips.My Fault. There is absolutely nothing incoherent about what I am saying.
I am perfectly sane and rational,and everything I have said is backed of by solid,incontrovertible facts.
You can rail all you want against homosexuality,but that is not going to stop any one from being gay. The fact that you are "disgusted" about homosexuality is utterly irrelevant. There are lots of things which some people find disgusting,such as eating dogs,or the prok which Muslims and Jews avoid at all costs. But again,what business is it of yours what other people do in provate? How does this effect you?
Have homosexuals ever hurt you or tried to force you to be gay? Have they molested your children? And even if one had, God forbid,does that make all homosexuals evil and deserving of hatred?
The Jews of today are a misture of many peoples. Ages ago,there was a Semitic people called the Hebrews who were closely related to the Arabs,and who founded Judaism. But over the ages,as they spread around the world,they mixed with many other peoples. As some one of Ukrainian Jewish descent,I probably have more Slavic and Turkic blood in me than
than Semitic. It's you right-wing extremists,since Selwyn is tied with the John Birch society, who are all mixed up and in need of help.

Philip France


You haven't answered my question: what drugs do you take and/or what medication are you on?

 Robert Berger

I've never used any kind of illicit drug,and though I take a couple of pills for neurological problems, my mind is perfectly sane and normal.They have no adverse affect on my mind at all,and my doctor knows this.
And you still haven't addressed the points I was trying to make.
What is so horrible about allowing gay people to get married? How would this in any way interfere with heterosexual couples getting married and having children. What harm would this do to society?
And why are you conservatives so obsessed with what consenting adults do in private? What business is this of yours as long as they harm no one else?


Ha-ha. Philip nailed it, Robert. He sensed you were using some kind of medication that affects the brain in some way. I wouldn't be so sure that it isn't influencing your thinking ability.


Well it certainly has affected his ability to discern right from wrong. Gays harm society and force their life style down everyone's throats. Maybe they are born gay but that still doesnt give them the right to infringe on a tradition based between a man and a woman. You should actually search for the article Selwyn wrote about the biological possibility of homosexuality. I also firmly believe now that Robert is just a closet turd-burglar.

Robert Berger

My views were the same even before the medication,which hasn't affected my mind at all. And your assumption that because I totally disagree with conservative views,that there must be something wrong with me is laughable.Many people have the same or similar views as mine, but their not insame in any way.
The pills are because of a neurological problem with spasticity in my legs. I have difficulty walking because of this,and have to use a wheelchair, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with my mind.
I think that I actually think more clearly than conservatives like you guys. "Gays harm society and force their lifestyle down every one's throat?" And you actually believe this garbage? When was the last time a gay man raped you and put a gun to your head saying"Either you become gay or I'll kill you?" Or any one else? There are a small number of wacko gay extremists, but most are just ordinary people who mind their own business and bother or threaten nobody.

Philip France


Who is Ernst Rohm and what is his relevance to current events?

You have unlimited time and space to answer.

Robert Berger

Ernst Rohm was one of the leading Nazis during the Hitler era.If I remember correctly,he was a homosexual, and was murdered because Hitler and the other Nazis considered him some kind of threat.I don't remember all the detains.
Many of the Nazis were gay.And the Nazis also murdered many German homosexuals who were not members of the Nazi party,as wells as all the Jews,dissidents,mentally and physically disabled people,Gypsies etc.
I'm not sure about his relevance to current events, but let's face it; the movement to make homosexual marriage illegal is only the tip of the iceberg of the agenda of the religious right and right-wing extremists in America. They definitely want to take away civil rights fro gay people, and if the most extreme and fanatic among the right get their way, homosexuals could be arrested,prosecuted,imprisoned,and even executed. And who will be next? The Jews? Atheists? Law-abiding,peacelful muslims who have absolutely nothing to do with Islamic terrorism? Doctors who perform aboprtions,and women who have them? Those who make and act in adult films?
And you think the Obama administration is a threat to freedom in America !!!!

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