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July 09, 2009


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The only way to revive the long lost culture of white on black racism is to legislate inequity upon race lines. Affirmative action and defining hate crimes as a one way street is a great way to kindle the fires of resentment especially in a tight job market. Such is the plan of the leftist; divide and conquer. Harmony has never been their goal; nor equality.


If we could get the White Men of this country to stand like the black teenagers.........hell, we might be able to do something.....

But as long as White Men are paralyzed by fear.....we will continue to get ran over....

black teenagers have more balls than White Men...

Thats sad.......thats pitiful.....thats freaking pathetic...

I have never before in my history on this earth seen where White Men cower...its embarrassing...

Notice ONE thing though, people...the ONLY way blacks can get Whites is to 'gang' them...

WHY..WHY....WHY....arent the White people doing it back to them....

I'll never understand that....

Edward Williams

Let me explain it:

Animal vs. Human.

Simple distinction.


To Frank,

Frank, myself and many others can definitely understand where you are coming from. There are two points I would make based on my life experiences. One, I believe this cowardice you talk is halfway true, there are cowards aplenty, but also much of this is expressions of civility which our civilization (whites) have become famous for. We don't act the same way in return because by and large we are a different people. I for one am grateful for that.

The second point comes from many experiences most notably when I was 13 and in middle school. I am 28 now to give you an idea of the time. When I entered middle school I was first exposed to the wonderous joy of multi culturalism in the form of a school which was about 50/50 white/non white makeup respectably. I celebrated this diversity by repeatedly getting spit on, bullied, stolen from , and all other forms of abuse. I, like so many other smaller built white kids, were terrified and often seemed defensless. Over time...the pot boiled over. Whites organized and struck back....nothing short of a race war. In was fast, brutal, and in the space of about 15 minutes...over. Whites in that school earned their respect.

As a christian who believes all life is sacred and all need to hear the testimony of jesus christ I cannot advocate violence to achieve political or social means. However, with that being said, based on the political policies of our ruling elite and the state's attitude as a whole based on race, large scale racial conflict is inevitable in the long run. I would bet my reputation on it. Whites will become tired of the disease of multi-culturalism, see Frank Ricci, and began fighting back. The charge of racism had grown dull over excessive use and is losing effect. The anger of hard working whites both here and in Europe is growing. In your will see the day.


BTW- Walt, I agree with your post. However, politics doesn't stoke racism nearly as much as close proximity.

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