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July 29, 2009


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It is great to see India challenge the global warming goons. Now that the "warmists" have lost all intellectual credibility look for them to manufacture another crisis. I have a hunch it will be methane. The international treaty will be called FART. Flatulent Aerosols Reduction Treaty.

Philip France

Cute, Walt.

I would like to postulate this theorum:

Global warming alarmists, substantially devoid of facts and evidence as they are, are actually hoping that Joe and JoAnne Sixpack confuse carbon dioxide, a naturally occuring gas that is beneficial to life (human and otherwise) and vegetation (plant growth: meaning food to those of you from Berkeley, North Beach and Greenwich Village) with carbon MONoxide. It is my belief that pathological liars like Al Gore have staked their careers and reputations on this easily refuted claim.

But once again, let us not be deceived. Cap and Trade legislation has NOTHING to do with the environment. It is once again about control of your life.

Make no mistake about it. The proponents of global warming are Eco-Marxists who despise capitaism. They will use every lie, every false statistic and any other method that they can think of to decieve you into accepting or acquiescing to The Big Lie.

Just for jollies, look up the temparature trends in Nashville, Tennessee. You will either be amused or embarassed that Nashville is experiencing record cold temperatures. Need I remind you that Nashville is where Al Gore resides?

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