If you’ve ever seen the movie Idiocracy, the title of this piece may seem familiar. The film is a dystopian comedy about a futuristic America in which complete ignorance is the norm. People are inarticulate to the point where even those of status — politicians, doctors, etc. — mangle the language and use profanity to fill in gaps when expressing themselves. The president is a porn star and ex-professional wrestler who wears a muscle shirt, the society’s number-one rated show features nothing but an endless array of groin shots, and the farmers water their crops with a sports electrolyte drink called “Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator” and yet can’t figure out why they fail to grow. And, to illustrate how people have become consumed with frivolity and sex — and frivolous sex at that — the title of a certain famous news magazine that just recently curtailed its print publication (in reality) has been changed to “Hot Naked Chicks & World Report.”
It’s a silly movie rife with
profanity, so I cannot give it a thumbs up, but I’ll tell you what brings it to
mind. A couple of weeks ago I was
watching Hannity on Fox News, and one segment concerned
media attacks on Sarah Palin — in particular, a Vanity Fair hatchet job written
by Todd Purdum. Hannity had columnist
S.E. Cupp and one of Fox’ anchors, Kimberly Guilfoyle, as guests, and he was
making much of what he characterized as Purdum’s sexism in devoting copious ink
to Palin’s comely appearance. Guilfoyle
chimed in, complaining that Purdum’s implication that Palin only succeeded
because of her looks was “insulting and degrading to women.”
Now, while I’m no fan of
Purdum, I find Guilfoyle’s commentary insulting and degrading to my
intelligence. Let’s face it, to deny
that Palin’s looks played a part in her rise to prominence is to ignore the
pink elephant with the frilly dress and lipstick in the middle of the
room. However, I will add a little
perspective. First, I’m not sure Palin’s
looks are quite the factor some people think.
Second, despite the “Oh, the patriarchy strikes again!” narrative,
appearance is a factor with men as well.
Remember how Richard Nixon’s five-o’clock shadow sealed his fate in his
1960 debate with John F. Kennedy, the first televised presidential debate in
history? Titillating John just trumped
Tricky Dick. And could you imagine a
short, fat, ugly, bald man capturing the Oval Office? Why, its current occupant is all image, with
his decent, youthful looks, resonant voice and rock-star persona. So attractive is he, in fact, that his
teleprompter just can’t stand to be apart from him.
Moreover, something about the Hannity
segment struck me. I’d like you to take
a gander at Guilfoyle
and Cupp
and tell me if you notice anything. While
they seem to be of the mind that any suggestion about how a woman made it on
her looks is sexist, it’s obvious that they made it on their looks.
Okay, I exaggerate a bit for
effect. So I’ll be precise: Were it not
for their looks, they wouldn’t have made it.
In fact, they are part of a
pattern. Just take a look at Fox News
analysts and regular guests and you’ll see an inordinate number of women — many
of them blonde — who make you wonder if you’re watching a news station or the
Miss America Pageant. There is Miss Fox
News Megyn Kelly, for instance, who can be seen here
(and the picture doesn’t do her justice) and is even prettier when she’s
angry. Carrie Prejean should look so
good. There is small “r” Republican Margaret
Hoover, who specializes in painted-on Barbie smiles and defenses of faux
marriage. Then there is “Marina,” a Russian
who has been on the O’Reilly Factor a
few times to “teach” us about English words.
Her main talents seem to be sultry glances, delivery with an accent you
could cut with a knife and the ability to use a dictionary. Clearly, Fox’ claim of being the “fairest”
news channel can have more than one meaning.
Hey, they report, you ogle.
Now, don’t get me wrong, all
these women have some gifts beyond pulchritude.
They speak relatively well. Many
are somewhat knowledgeable. And some
even possess ample intelligence — just don’t insult mine. Only a very small percentage of the
population comprises beautiful blonde women, and it seems like a heck of a lot
of these foxes work for Fox. And I’d
have to experience a blonde moment myself to fancy this coincidence.
Now we get to another
irony. In the Hannity segment on Palin I mentioned, Hannity asked the following
politically-correct questions (I’m paraphrasing), “Isn’t this sexist? How come people don’t focus on the looks of
male politicians in the same way?” Well,
boohoo, cry me a river — as long as your mascara doesn’t run. Let me ask you, Sean, how come you had eye
candy sitting in front of you and not a couple a’ goblins?
My point is that I get sick and
tired of the double standard about the double standard. Yes, people view men and women differently
because, well, shocker of shockers, they actually are different. Men will always
focus on women’s looks more than women will focus on men’s (although the gals
ain’t blind); it’s hard-wired. But yet
we play pretend, which is why people can complain about this superficiality
while reflexively trading on it themselves.
Now, if I sound too cavalier
about this and not quite like the choir boy I’m reputed to be, I’ll point out
that I’ve unflatteringly characterized our society using Idiocracy and U.S. News and Hot, Sexy Chicks. So I certainly do take issue with our
increasing superficiality, but I also take issue with sloppy feminism-inspired
analyses. The problem isn’t a double
standard that redounds negatively and solely upon women, as many times there is
a good reason to have two standards: There are two sexes. The problem is that as people become more
superficial, they view others more superficially. That is to say, they see only what is on the
surface and fail to look at a person’s soul.
This leads to the
objectification of all people, women and
men. The difference is that, generally
speaking, while women are viewed all the more as sex objects, men are
increasingly viewed as success objects.
Sure, wealthy men very often marry beautiful women, but perhaps we
should note a correlative: Beautiful women very often marry wealthy men.
But getting back to Foxy News,
I don’t mean to beat up on the station too much. Its stable of commentators and guests is just
a reflection of the wider culture. More
than ever before in America, proficiency in the skill central to a position is
not the deciding factor in whether or not a person attains that position. The odious Al Franken just captured (stole?)
a Senate seat largely because he was once a second-rate comedian. California elected a man governor mainly
because he was once the Terminator, without ever suspecting that he might do to
the state’s economy what he wanted to do to Sarah Connor. When Barack Obama got affirmatively elected,
Illinois Governor Blago the Terrible felt compelled to appoint a black guy,
Roland Burris, to Obama’s vacated Senate seat.
I supposed finding a half black guy was too much to ask. Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor
is, by her own admission, an “affirmative-action baby.” And in newsrooms around the nation, we see cultural-affirmative-action
So, once again, as people become
more superficial, they judge others more superficially. This applies to opinion-makers and movers and
shakers as well as to the market; it at least partially explains affirmative
action, quotas and our obsession with diversity just as it does U.S. News and
Hot, Sexy Chicks. The more shallow
people are, the more they will elevate style over substance, the more they will
confuse image with ability. Idiocracy, here we come.
But, hey, I’m not so much of an idiot that I can’t see the writing on the wall. So, if old Rupert is looking to add some male eye candy to his lineup, I’m available.
Selwyn, Good point.
I found the movie Idiocracy a very funny movie, but I wished it was not so profane so I could recommend it. I wonder if Hollywood knew that this movie was only a slight hyperbole to what a true democracy would look like in American pop culture. My favorite quote from the movie is, "it's got electrolytes," which could be substituted for today’s new accai fad, "it’s got anti-oxidants...LOL people are sheeple.
Don't get too worked up over the news babes, to every force there is a counter force. The Fox(es) are counter balanced by Helen Thomas, you know Roz from Monsters Inc. It all works out. However, if America continues on the same suicidal path that we are on all of the news babes will be wearing burkas anyhow.
Posted by: Walt | July 14, 2009 at 09:57 AM
I watch almost no TV, but I flip channels during commercials in football season. If ANYONE tries to put FOX's Julia Banderas (a brunette) in a burka, I am going postal.
I will admit that I hit the mute button, lest I defile my fantasy by her commentary.
Posted by: Philip France | July 14, 2009 at 10:46 PM
Easy Homer...kidding.
Posted by: Walt | July 15, 2009 at 08:18 PM
I watch almost no TV, but I flip channels during commercials in football season. If ANYONE tries to put FOX's Julia Banderas (a brunette) in a burka, I am going postal.
I will admit that I hit the mute button, lest I defile my fantasy by her commentary.
Posted by: raj | July 16, 2009 at 11:25 AM
"This leads to the objectification of all people, women and men. The difference is that, generally speaking, while women are viewed all the more as sex objects, men are increasingly viewed as success objects."
Men, increasingly in the absence of morality, see sex with women as an object of success. Interestingly enough, these men also lack a focused objectivity to achieve success. Who gets to define success in the modern world?
Posted by: Hugh J. Peightreeuht | July 16, 2009 at 05:38 PM
I have the talent to be in the movies but my agent says I am way too cute for a movie guy.
Posted by: Hugh J. Talent | July 18, 2009 at 02:23 PM