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July 14, 2009


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Selwyn, Good point.

I found the movie Idiocracy a very funny movie, but I wished it was not so profane so I could recommend it. I wonder if Hollywood knew that this movie was only a slight hyperbole to what a true democracy would look like in American pop culture. My favorite quote from the movie is, "it's got electrolytes," which could be substituted for today’s new accai fad, "it’s got anti-oxidants...LOL people are sheeple.

Don't get too worked up over the news babes, to every force there is a counter force. The Fox(es) are counter balanced by Helen Thomas, you know Roz from Monsters Inc. It all works out. However, if America continues on the same suicidal path that we are on all of the news babes will be wearing burkas anyhow.

Philip France


I watch almost no TV, but I flip channels during commercials in football season. If ANYONE tries to put FOX's Julia Banderas (a brunette) in a burka, I am going postal.

I will admit that I hit the mute button, lest I defile my fantasy by her commentary.


Easy Homer...kidding.


I watch almost no TV, but I flip channels during commercials in football season. If ANYONE tries to put FOX's Julia Banderas (a brunette) in a burka, I am going postal.

I will admit that I hit the mute button, lest I defile my fantasy by her commentary.

Hugh J. Peightreeuht

"This leads to the objectification of all people, women and men. The difference is that, generally speaking, while women are viewed all the more as sex objects, men are increasingly viewed as success objects."

Men, increasingly in the absence of morality, see sex with women as an object of success. Interestingly enough, these men also lack a focused objectivity to achieve success. Who gets to define success in the modern world?

Hugh J. Talent

I have the talent to be in the movies but my agent says I am way too cute for a movie guy.

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