Everybody just relax. Islam is badly misunderstood. The negative stereotype of Islam is the usual evil-doings of Zionists in America and their foolish fellow travelers, fundamentalist Christians. Please don’t listen to what these hatemongers say about Islam and hear us out. So implies the nationally-launched campaign of Muslim organizations in the United States.
Huge billboards are festooning major highways, such as the one along Highway 101 and Tully Road in San Jose, California, with crafty messages. Bold letters on the billboard proclaim: Islam You Deserve to Know. A toll-free number, 1-877-WhyIslam and website, WhyIslam.org beckon the public to get the real scoop about the religion of peace.
The billboard sneakily reminds the viewers about their kinship with Muslims. “Islam: The message of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.”
Well folks—Christians and Jews—the overwhelming majority of the people in the United States, you need to relax about Islam. Muslims are family. They are your kindred through your shared progenitor, Abraham.
Having Abraham as an ancestor would demand that the “children” be loving siblings. That’s the message the American Muslims try to convey. And that’s the way they aim to keep us in the deadly slumber of complacency and the delusion of multiculturalism.
For one, multiculturalism and multi-religionism are not interchangeable and are not one and the same. Muslims and their frequently well-paid apologists use the multiculturalism umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticisms that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the religion of peace.
Don’t listen to me and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators. Find out for yourself. See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever even mentioned by any Islamic leader, ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form anywhere in Muslim countries. This multiculturalism gambit is Islam manufactured wool to pull over the eyes of the non-Muslims while the Muslims carry on with their unrelenting campaign of eradicating anything or anyone non-Islamic anywhere in the world.
Those of us, through reason and tremendous act of will, who have freed ourselves from the enslaving yoke of Islam placed around our necks from birth, know about all the heinous inside dirt of this plague of humanity. We hardly need to call a toll-free number to hear a phony canned message of deceptions and lies.
We have experienced Islam first-hand and up close from the inside. We have studied the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. We have seen Islam in action where it wields sway. Some of us even tried desperately to cling to this security blanket that was wrapped around us from birth. Yet, the more we studied and the more we experienced Islam, the more our effort to remain in the fold became untenable.
We broke away from Islamic slavery and found it to be our solemn duty to expose this fraud of a religion, help other Muslims to free themselves from it, and warn the good-hearted and gullible non-Muslims against falling prey to it.
The Muslim organizations in America, generously financed by the oil-rich Muslim government and sheikhs, are directed to sell Islam Lite for long enough until the cult runs deep roots and the Real Islam is introduced. One can see how the scheme played out in Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of Islam Lite and knee deep into the quagmire of Real Islam. And that’s exactly where things are headed in America.
For a starter, remember the Somali Muslim cabbies of the Minneapolis airport and their refusal of blind fares with seeing-eye dogs, because dogs are unclean according to their belief? The same cabbies that had a virtual monopoly at the airport also rejected passengers who had alcoholic beverages in their possession. And the recent campaign of Muslims in New York to force the city to officially recognize Islamic holidays. These chosen people of Allah have more holidays than working days. No wonder they are among the most backward and unproductive in the world.
These “annoyances” aside, one has to be more than daft not to see for himself and not be sickened by the horrors Muslims in power and Muslim governments commit, wherever they reign in the world. Their barbaric acts are not isolated behaviors of some deranged individuals that one can find within any group. They are, in fact, mandated by the authoritative teachings of Islam and those who practice them proudly proclaim their actions as an implementation of Islamic teachings.
And they are correct in this claim. Let’s just see a sampling of the Islamic teachings that mandate the beastly treatment of women, human slaves, and all non-Muslims, including those that the Islamic Softsell in the West aims to bunch itself with as kin—Jews and Christians.
[Quran 4.34] Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the others and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you take no further action against them. Allah is high, supreme.
[Q uran16.75] Allah sets forth a parable: (consider) a slave, the property of another, (who) has no power over anything, and one whom We have granted from ourselves a goodly sustenance so he spends from it secretly and openly; are the two alike? (All) praise is due to Allah!
[Quran 5:51] O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust.
You may say that you know Muslims and you find them to be decent people, family people, hard-working people who are no different than any other group of people. However, these people are the Bad Muslims. Why so? Because they do not live the life the Quran commands them to lead. It is the Good Muslims that you don’t ever want to meet. These are the diehard jihadists, the terrible killers who spare no torture on infidels before decapitating them or hanging them while intoning Allah’s praise. These are the ones that don’t show the slightest mercy to their very own people who fail to toe the line.
These Real Muslims viciously and repeatedly rape women, and even men, arrested without even arrest warrants. One “lucky” victim who managed to escape the claws of these evils is Maryam Sabri arrested on phony charges and repeatedly raped in Iran’s Evin prison.
Acts of horrors committed in Islamic lands aside, it is disturbing to see Muslims dissimulate, sweet-talk and use any and all means in free non-Islamic societies to convert people to their cult. Yet, if a Muslim, on his own free will decides to leave Islam he is condemned as apostate and automatically sentenced to death. And right here in America the suffocating tentacles of Islamic bigotry are beginning to reach out to people. Just the other day, for instance, a teen-age girl had to run away from her Muslim family fearing being killed by her own father for having become Christian.
This Islamic Softsell is a replay of Muhammad’s own life example. He was peaceful and humble in Mecca among his powerful detractors. Once in Medina and with power, Muhammad slaughtered the Jews of Medina as easily as if they were sheep, plundered their belongings, and took the “sellable” women and children as slaves.
It is said that truthfulness is the foundation of all virtues. Islam not only condones, it encourages, lying and dissimulation—Taqqyeh—in dealing with non-Muslims. Hence the ads, the billboards and the claims of these liars are little more than packs of crafty propaganda.
No, there is no misunderstanding. No, it is not the Zionists and fundamentalist Christians who are misrepresenting Islam. It is Muslims and Muslim organizations who are guilty of dissimulation and fraud. Muslims act meekly when they lack sufficient power. Once in power, the Real Islam emerges from its shell of dissimulation and puts free people and their way of life to the sword.
© 2009 Amil Imani — All Rights Reserved
Well done for shaking off the shackles of a belief system that was causing you pain. The saudi salafi/wahhabi version of islam is particularly pernicious. To me it's not such a big step between rejecting one particular god and rejecting all of them. After all you dont have much contact with followers of Thor these days do you.
As a political movement the fundamentalist islamist parties need to be fought.However i cant agree with your comment that non-agressive muslims are not real muslims, just like all faiths and polities there are a range of beliefs. i lived as a women in the most populous muslim country Indonesia and their version of faith is a) somewhat strenuously deliniated from the public shpere and b)mild by western standards. Yes as a woman at times it gave me the sh*ts, but most of the cultural conflict I had was to do with being a westerner in an asian country. My firends were other educated women, who chose their family size and style and didn't veil except in religious settings.
I expect i would have a hard time in a quiverful community or a fundamentalist morman community in the states but i know that it would be unfair to judge all Americans by these throwbacks.
What you didn't mention is that many countries use the ultra fundies to throw the attention off their own corruption. (Particularly in Saudi, that's why OBL attacked his own people first). In this case religion is used as an excuse.
Leaving all that aside, personally I think we'd be better off with no religions at all except as a sometimes beautiful historical movement with cultural significance. It's certainly a perfect example for keeping church seperated from state.
Posted by: yoyo | September 27, 2009 at 05:23 AM
Never forget. Under Islam.
It is perfectly acceptable to lie, if you believe it advances the goals of spreading islam or just to an infidel.
Posted by: Dan | September 28, 2009 at 12:58 AM
You obviously have no idea what "separation of church and state" means nor what its intention was.
I also doubt you even know that keep church and state separate was just an idea or a philosophy and is not a law.
Posted by: Dan | September 28, 2009 at 07:36 AM
There is a huge difference between islam and Christianity (and Judaism for that matter). I understand your desire for complete freedom from restraint that atheism provides you; many people are driven by that desire. However, just because you want a godless world to be true does not mean it is. The complexity of our very being and awareness of our existence should give you pause to consider an intelligent origin of life, matter and energy. I have heard and read many arguments on both sides, and I must say that through deductive reasoning I have came to the conclusion, God is. The best summarized argument I have heard to date that points towards an intelligent design was given by Perry Marshal, www.perrymarshallspeaks.com On this site is a one hour video presentation. I would be interested to hear your retort on this. Although Perry does not point at which god or alien life form spawned life on this earth he has presented an argument that has to this date been un-refuted philosophically or scientifically.
Another very interesting piece of scientific evidence that points to a sudden creation was delivered by a Dr. Robert Gentry, www.halos.com His nuclear research has also gone without credible refutation. You likely have not heard of him because he is obtuse of the Smithsonian and the tenured university scientists that have so much invested and at stake in their version of natural history.
Possibly, if you have watched and researched both of those sites you may have some doubt you your belief in nothingness. The next step is, If God is, then why, and who? To answer both questions I would point you to the works of a great philosopher and writer and Oxford professor CS Lewis. You may start with his early agnostic writings (before his conversion to Christianity) "Spirits in Bondage" to get a glimpse of the thinking of his youth. Next you may want to read his post transformation book "Mere Christianity." Although you may not be real exited about religion, reading such a classic will surely improve your anti-religion argument or at least provide dissemination between religion and cult.
Next, I would recommend a book written by an investigative journalist. The guy was the one who broke the story in the '70s on the Ford motor companies cover up of the rear end crash explosions of the Pinto. The man's name is Lee Strobel and when he set out to write his book he was an atheist and actually wasn't going to write a book. He was merely trying to compile evidence that would refute the existence of God and Jesus. His wife had recently converted to Christianity and it crimped his style. He wanted to break her faith with evidence. He ended up being one of the foremost writers of Christian apologetics and a born again Christian. His books are pretty short and read easy. I recommend "Case for Christ" and "Case for Faith."
Lastly, I believe the world if full of mystery. The book of Genesis is particularly full of mystery. I have read the creation account over and over and it seems new clues pop out each time. I am not completely convinced of a six earth day (144 hour) creation. The first couple chapters of Genesis give us clues of seasons or eras passing within a "day." To some I may be considered a heretic by uttering those statements, my answer to them- God is timeless and his nature as we can see through scripture is to let events occur naturally. I accept that if God truly did create it all in 6 days so be it. But 6 days or 6 million years are a trifle to him. Here is a fun read that does not answer any questions but certainly opens some. "Dead Men’s Secrets" by Jonathan Gray
If you have any particular hang ups, accusations or questions on Christianity please ask, one at a time.
Posted by: Walt | September 28, 2009 at 12:38 PM
Walt I do understand the need many humans have for faith, the universe is a wonderous awe inspiring thing and so can humans be. The "atheists are atheists because it gives them licence to be immoral" meme is below you 'tho. And obviously easily disproved. just as you would not want christianity judged by the behaviour of pedophile priests or abortion clinic doctor killers, the behaviour of an individual atheist does not mean atheists are less contstrained by morals than the relgious of whatever stripe. as the athor of the above piece argues relion can inspire some truly hideous behaviour.
We are all atheists of most gods, I am just an atheist of one more than you. (BTW CS Lewis is generally laughed at as a not so competant apologist outside of the already christian movement - certainly his "arguments" are fairly poor, just as pascal's wager will seldom grab a new adherent.
Of course the world and the universe and everthing in between is full of mystery, that is a joy and understanding as much of it as possible is our duty, consigning all curriosity to a pit called "god did it" is a waste and I would argue, a sin.
Posted by: yoyo | September 28, 2009 at 08:43 PM
I am disappointed here that the arguments in the comments betray the point of the article. I blame Yoyo for this, for lumping radical Islam with isolated incidents of religious fervor, which sensible believers immediately denounce. Before commenting further, I will applaud our friend Yoyo as the most articulate leftist that I have ever encountered. Yoyo, you are so close to the Truth. I implore you to stand back and take a neutral, rather than a defensive (and often offensive) position regarding spirituality.
Getting back to the article, which is well-articulated and (forgive the ironic adjective) enlightening. There is a major problem with Islam where lying and deceit is condoned and even encouraged. Until a reformation occurs refuting the Suras and Hadiths that condone “Taqqyeh”, Islam cannot be trusted.
We have the same problem with the man occupying our Oval Office. I am NOT saying that he is a Muslim. I AM saying that he is a liar. He has no compunction in telling lies and his lies are now in the thousands. I realize that this is changing the subject, but it is no less true.
To my dear friend Walt: I have composed a study of Creation that is based on a comparison of in-depth Biblical research and scientific evidence. It is amateur, but I have acquaintances in both Biblical expertise and scientific expertise that have praised my work. I would like to get it to you somehow. Perhaps we can “meet” through Selwyn Duke. I hereby authorize Selwyn to divulge my email address to Walt.
To my esteemed antagonist Yoyo (and you have earned my respect and esteem through your articulation, spell-check notwithstanding), you are crying out for the Truth that I know. You are SO close! If you are to take a position of net neutrality with regard to “religion” (as I did, many years ago) you will find that the Truth of God and the elements of creation are provable by its inherent and undeniable elegance. To this day, scientists know that they are on to something when they observe the elegance of the formulas that they discover. The incredible advances in discovery by history’s greatest scientists, namely Copernicus, Johannes Keppler, Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton (all devout men of God) show that their discoveries were cemented by the elegance of a Designing Intelligence. There is no getting around it.
May God bless you, one and all.
Posted by: Philip France | October 02, 2009 at 10:58 PM