Recently I wrote about the Tucson Unified School District, where the powers-that-be decided that punishment should be meted out based on racial quotas. And during the last couple of days I posted videos of British citizens being punished for expressing politically incorrect ideas (one couple ran afoul of the "law," to use the term loosely, because they had the temerity to debate religion with a Moslem). Now there is another story out of the U.K. that's in the same vein. It concerns a school named Ridgeway, a place in which the administrators were so afraid of being branded "racists" (among the other psychological problems with which they, being thoroughly modern liberals, are no doubt afflicted) that they refused to hold minority students accountable for misbehavior. What was the result?
A copy of Susan Lynn’s email came last Thursday. She is a member of the Tennessee
General Assembly and serves on the Commerce Committee. She is Chairman of the
Government Operations Committee and also chairs the American Legislative
Exchange Council’s Commerce Task Force.
Elderly Woman Persecuted for Expressing Christian Beliefs This is yet another story about an English Christian being persecuted for voicing her beliefs. In this case the victim is Pauline Howe, who received a visit from the police after writing a letter to local authorities expressing displeasure with a homosexual parade.
Free Speech is Dead in England - Conquered by Islam
Could you imagine being brought up on criminal charges simply for debating religion with a Moslem? Well, that's exactly what happened to the two English Christians featured in this news report.
After Ben And Sharon Vogelenzang engaged in a debate about faith with an Islamic woman, the latter complained that she felt "offended" by their beliefs. This led to the arrest of the couple, who now face a criminal trial on December 8.
Sadly, this is not that unusual in the U.K., as numerous Englishmen have been arrested for "hate speech," specious "racial offenses" or some variation thereof. In fact, I will shortly post a second video about another U.K. Christian who was persecuted for expressing her beliefs.
This should serve as a shot across the bow to all of us. Make no mistake, unless something upsets the apple cart (which is likely), we'll see hate-speech laws in the U.S. in the not-too-distant future.
Oh, would anyone like to hazard a guess on whether or not the Moslem woman in this case was arrested? Well, I guess all offense is equal, but some is more equal than others.
Those who would accuse Barack Obama of pandering to — if not
sympathy for — Islamists have been handed some powerful new ammunition.
In a disturbing move, the Obama administration is joining Muslim
nations in supporting a UN resolution restricting criticism of
religion, a measure reflective of those nations’ blasphemy laws.
Treating the matter in USA Today, Professor Jonathan Turley writes:
While attracting surprisingly little
attention, the Obama administration supported the effort of largely
Muslim nations in the U.N. Human Rights Council to recognize exceptions
to free speech for any "negative racial and religious stereotyping."
The exception was made as part of a resolution supporting free speech
that passed this month, but it is the exception, not the rule that
worries civil libertarians.... It is viewed as a transparent bid to
appeal to the "Muslim street" and our Arab allies, with the
administration seeking greater coexistence through the curtailment of
objectionable speech. Though it has no direct enforcement (and is
weaker than earlier versions), it is still viewed as a victory for
those who sought to juxtapose and balance the rights of speech and
So I was watching the O'Reilly Factor last night, and the pugnacious pundit had as a guest the always entertaining Ann Coulter. Now, Coulter is usually a bit more on the mark than O'Reilly, who often doesn't perceive the Truth until a building falls on him (several years ago, when he was already in his 50s, he finally acknowledge that, golly gee, there is a liberal bias in the lamestream media). Yet last night it seemed they both had their heads firmly planted in the sand.
Our love affair with big government becomes more intense as our nation
ages. But are we looking for love in all the wrong places?
By Selwyn Duke
After giving a speech in Toronto, Canada, several years ago, I spoke to
some of the high school students in attendance. While talking about the
role of the state with one of them, he said: “Government is there to
make people happy.” He was a nice, intelligent young man, and he made
the statement in a non-confrontational, matter-of-fact manner.
While such an attitude reminds one of what a certain road is paved
with, unfortunately, his perspective is shared by millions of
Americans. Of course, some of these people are well-meaning, but they
nevertheless are lacking in a very traditional American quality:
distrust of government. How American is it? Columnist Dr. Walter
Williams treats this in his piece, “American Idea,” writing:
If you're an avid reader of news and commentary, you've no doubt heard of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). It masquerades as a "civil rights" organization — along with so many other pretenders — and it is perhaps the richest civil-rights con-job organization in the country. I know, you probably thought the ACLU was the crème de la phlegm, but the SPLC is its eviler twin. It was founded by Morris Dees, the mercenary lawyer who never saw a poor, downtrodden person he didn't want to help (except for the vast majority, off whose cases he can't make money) and whose claim to fame is that he broke some Klan groups about 15 or 20 years ago by suing them into oblivion.
In one of the most heinous
crimes imaginable, a 15-year-old Florida boy was set ablaze by five other teens
in a revenge attack stemming from a dispute over a video game.
The victim, Michael
Brewer of Deerfield Beach, suffered mainly second-degree burns on 65 percent of
his body and is currently hospitalized at Jackson Memorial Hospital’s burn
center in critical condition.
youths charged in the attack are Jesus Mendez, 15; Steven Shelton, who will be
16 on Thursday; Matthew Bent, 15; and two brothers, Denver and Jeremy Jarvis,
15 and 13 respectively. The boys are accused of dousing Brewer with rubbing
alcohol and then igniting it with a lighter. All five are charged with
aggravated assault, and Mendez, who is said to have set the victim ablaze, is
also charged with attempted second-degree murder. Writing about the events
leading up to the vicious act, tells
Radical Obama EEOC Chair Nominee Chai Feldblum in Her Own Words
So here we have another radical Obama underling, lawyer and college professor (surprise, surprise) Chai Feldblum. An avowed lesbian, she says in this speech that homosexual sex is "morally good" and that she wants to "revolutionize social norms." She also believes in polygamy, although she doesn't mention that "social good" in this video clip. Nah, nothing to worry about here. Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Did I mention that she was nominated to be a commissioner in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission? You know, that's the little federal bureaucracy that mandates invidious discrimination by pressuring privately owned businesses into instituting de facto racial quotas. I should also mention that among her accomplishments is having once worked for the American Civil Liberties Union and the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign Fund.
There is no word, however, on whether or not she admires Chairman Mao.
The School Where Minorities Weren't Punished for Fear of "Racism" Charges
By Selwyn Duke
Recently I wrote about the Tucson Unified School District, where the powers-that-be decided that punishment should be meted out based on racial quotas. And during the last couple of days I posted videos of British citizens being punished for expressing politically incorrect ideas (one couple ran afoul of the "law," to use the term loosely, because they had the temerity to debate religion with a Moslem). Now there is another story out of the U.K. that's in the same vein. It concerns a school named Ridgeway, a place in which the administrators were so afraid of being branded "racists" (among the other psychological problems with which they, being thoroughly modern liberals, are no doubt afflicted) that they refused to hold minority students accountable for misbehavior. What was the result?
Continue reading "The School Where Minorities Weren't Punished for Fear of "Racism" Charges" »
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Tags: attack, Britain, correctness, England, hammer, Henry, minorities, Paki, political, punishment , race, racism, racism, school, students, UK, Webster, white