By Selwyn Duke
So I was watching the O'Reilly Factor last night, and the pugnacious pundit had as a guest the always entertaining Ann Coulter. Now, Coulter is usually a bit more on the mark than O'Reilly, who often doesn't perceive the Truth until a building falls on him (several years ago, when he was already in his 50s, he finally acknowledge that, golly gee, there is a liberal bias in the lamestream media). Yet last night it seemed they both had their heads firmly planted in the sand.
What happened was that O'Reilly mentioned White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, the woman who thinks that Chairman Mao is just lip-lickin' good. Well, Coulter must have had a blonde moment. She brushed off Dunn's affinity for murderous Mao by saying that she wouldn't make a big deal out of it because, well, she's quoted Mao also. And O'Reilly seemed to agree that it wasn't a big deal.
Hello? I feel like I'm gazing through the looking glass. Hey, Ann, Bill, did you ever call Mao one of your "two favorite philosophers"? Did you, bubbling with enthusiasm, say that he was someone to whom you always looked?
Really, though, maybe I'm just not as swift as O'Reilly and Coulter. I mean, I was under this crazy impression that if you call someone a favorite philosopher, you agree with his philosophy; that if you look to him, you're looking for those things we call guidance, inspiration and wisdom. But now I see that's not the case. You can regard someone as a favorite philosopher while believing he was completely wrong, thoroughly idiotic and profoundly evil. Maybe you just like his shoes.
Sometimes I wonder how people breathe under all that sand.
© 2009 Selwyn Duke — All Rights Reserved
I have never cared for O'Reilly. He tries to hard to play the middle and I do not see him as taking a true stand.
As for Coulter, I can appreciate her often-rapier wit but she shrieks like a child when cornered. I would respect her a whole lot more if she stayed away from the big screen and kept to her writings, where she has more time to gather her thoughts and to build her cases in point.
One last thought: You will NEVER find Truth on television. Perhaps glimpses of it, but never as a whole. There is too much money at stake.
Posted by: Philip France | October 24, 2009 at 04:45 PM
Ya, I used to like O'Reilly but I got really sick of his blatant trying to "be fair". "Being fair" is the leftist agenda. That everything must always be equal in all instances and if its not then someone has cheated and must be punished.
The truth isn't always "fair". The truth isn't "balanced". The truth isn't always pretty. But to purposefully ignore it because you don't like what it says/means is a path to destruction.
Posted by: Dan | October 24, 2009 at 06:10 PM
O'Reilly, O'Reilly, O'Reilly! I have to give him credit for being one of the first to address the decline in the moral values and political scene in our great nation. I thought O'Reilly had a conservative bent. I've come to the opinion that I've been had. He did attend the Kennedy School of Government - that should tell you something. I agree with Dan. All that and he has become obnoxiously arrogant as well.
Posted by: GREG | October 25, 2009 at 06:01 PM
I often quote Saul Alinski and he is one of my favorite sources to go to when I want to make a point on the lunacy of the left but I would never consider him one of my favorites. I turn to him because he was an ass, bent on Marxism. PerhaPS if Dunn would have prefaced it like that, the doubts would have been eliminated.
Posted by: Walt | October 25, 2009 at 07:59 PM
Ann Coulter needs a stupid pill about as much as Superman needs to take vitamins. She was born with her foot in her mouth, and she isn't even smart enough to realize what an ass she makes of herself whenerver she opens her mouth.
But her sheer fatuousness is always highly entertaining.
Posted by: Robert Berger | October 26, 2009 at 11:20 AM
jeebus, greetings from the pacific island of noumea anyone who thinks coulter is more than a transexual with a power complex is pissing in the wind. If even adams'apple coulter thinks the mao quote is small how tiny must you guys be?
Posted by: yoyo | October 28, 2009 at 12:21 AM
This is your right-winged Canadian Friend; Personally I don't watch ANY TV anymore I had my dish turned off. I get my news from other Sources & don't miss Fox News anymore. O'Reilly is a pin head lately playing both sides of the fence ....what's this that a Double-Minded man is unstable in all his ways - but being Catholic he probably doesn't know that scripture. Sorry - but true.
Ann seriously needs to stick to writing books so I Can be amused while I read them. They are both only concerned with building empires for themselves instead of being Patriots.
Posted by: Sherri NOLAN | October 28, 2009 at 02:28 AM
I’m sick of the pattern, liberal, hate speech that is forever calling Ann Coulter as a man!
Coulter is not a man. That is not an Adam’s apple. Coulter is not a transsexual, my liberal sister. What you see is real; a shrill, menopausal, Brahmin Princess, who is in touch with reality about as much as Marie Antoinette was before she got a whole new view of the world from a Paris scaffold.
That always-in-bad-taste, looking-for-the-spotlight, nasal whine you hear coming out of Coulter, is coming from a one hundred-per-cent American woman; an unmarried, childless, self-centered, anorexic woman. But, a woman nonetheless.
I’m sure that men are lined up outside of her mansion, just waiting for a fabulous date with that decaying bag of bones. So stop with the “Ann Coulter is a man” lies and accept that a woman can be as big a jerk as any man. A tasteless, ill-mannered, pig of a woman. But, finally a woman.
So, stop it.
Posted by: Proud Black Woman | October 29, 2009 at 10:42 AM
Ann Coulter needs stupid pills about as much as Superman needs to take vitamins. She is stupidity personified, a shrill ,loudmouthed,conservative loony whose every comment is supremely asinine, as well as a total hypocrite who is forever accusing liberals and democrats of all the bad qualities that republicans and conservative display.
How can any intelligent person take this arrogant little clown seriously? She's good only for laughs, and is incapable of realizing how idiotic what says is.
Posted by: Robert Berger | October 29, 2009 at 12:01 PM