By Selwyn Duke
People were shocked when Major
Nidal Malik Hasan brutally targeted fellow servicemen at Texas’ Fort Hood
with pistol fire, murdering 12 and wounding 31. Yet, there is an aspect of this story that is
far more shocking — or, at least, one that would be considered so in a sane
now know that Major Hasan did not hide his true loyalties, often expressing
pro-Islamist sentiments. For example, the
Telegraph quotes
former Hasan colleague Col. Terry Lee as saying, “[Hasan] was making outlandish
comments condemning our foreign policy and claimed Muslims had the right to
rise up and attack Americans,” that Hasan admitted to being “happy” upon
learning of the Muslim who killed a soldier at an Arkansas military recruitment
center and that he once said “maybe people should strap bombs on themselves and
go to Time Square.” reports
that Hasan had created “Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and
other threats” and that “One of the Web postings that authorities reviewed is a
blog that equates suicide bombers with a soldier throwing himself on a grenade
to save the lives of his comrades.”
Read the rest here.
Dear Selwyn,
You have written another excellent essay and your overall point is profound but as an admirer of your observation skills, your skill as a great thinker and your staggering ability to articulate your logic, I beg to disagree with you on this point:
"a three-little-monkeys society, blinded, deafened, and dumbed down by political correctness, is allowing this fifth column to operate unfettered."
The REAL American does not fot this description. This is the portrayal of Americans that the sissies and leg-crossers in the major media want us all, and the world to believe.
This is far from reality. As one who has most of his family in the New York metropolitan area; as one who spent much time in recent years in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area; as one who has visited and has professional colleagues in Hawkins, Wisconsin and Bend, Oregon; as one who has spent time in the southeastern US and visted central Texas and even as a current resident of Northern California, I can assure you that this is not so.
The media images portrayed of Americians are suited to promote a Marxist and self-deprecating America. Real Americans have been slow to respond to such slander because we are at family barbecues, shuttling our children to Little League games, guitar lessons, school events and church socials.
This is changing. I attended a "Tea Party" at our state Capitol. Our local newspapaer reported that "a few thousand" attended. I was there: TENS of thousands attended, and on a WORK DAY!
The REAL American is God-fearing, gun-toting, hard-working, faithful to God and family. The REAL American loves his fellow-man and would rather teach another to fish rather than handing him one. The REAL American is not the sloth that watches reality shows all day, goes to strip clubs nor buys into the sewer-pipe that Hollywood tells us is so.
We are the sleeping, but awakening giant. We are the silent majority that will be silent no more. We are the true believers in precious liberty that will be marginalized no more.
Perhaps the best thing that could have happened to us was the election of a radical Marxist, a petulent child to our Presidency and with the shock-and-awe campaign that he has imposed on our human sensibilities. A college-boy, wearing the beanie-cap with the propellor on top that reflects the lunacy referred to as "social injustice" on our college and university campuses.
The REAL American, call him "Joe Six-Pack" or insult him and/or her however one wishes, at one's peril, will prevail.
From sea to shining sea...
Posted by: Philip France | November 10, 2009 at 10:47 PM