By Selwyn Duke
Here is a BBC interview with "Duane," a member of the Fort Hood shooter's mosque. A good example of the jihadist mentality harbored by some within our borders, he says that he won't "condemn" Nidal Malik Hasan because the murderer is a "brother."
In all fairness, the interviewer, Gavin Lee, points out that Duane's was a minority view at the mosque. Still, though, we have to wonder how many jihadist-minded Muslims there are in our nation. And how many others are sympathetic enough to remain silent?
An even better question is: How many leftists who facilitate anti-American movements and encourage the invasion of our nation are there?
Answer: tens of millions.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. — Marcus Tullius Cicero, 58 B.C.
Bring back HUAC!!!!!
Posted by: Philip France | November 08, 2009 at 05:52 PM
That's mild compared to this Mr. Duke.
Posted by: M.A.D. | November 08, 2009 at 06:41 PM
Duanne sounds like a total moron/apologist. However I think you are being very unfair to conflate leftists with a) traitors and b)people who encourage the invasion of america. That is the equivalent of me saying all chruch going americans want to blow up the Murray(?) building and are friends of Timothy McVeigh.
You can support the left side of politics without wanting a greater caliphate or the invasion of america just as you can be rightwing without being a rascist.
Posted by: yoyo | November 08, 2009 at 07:41 PM
Wrong again yoyo (as usual).
Leftists are complicit in the erosion of the value system that made the Western culture and American culture the greatest civil society in the history of mankind. They have done so through cultural and moral relativism. They have done so by “sympathy-for-the-devil” social mores and by mocking and attacking (non-stop) the Judeo-Christian value system that made Western society and American life the envy of humanity. The culture that led to the greatest prosperity ever known.
As for the invasion of America, it is “liberal” and leftist groups such as the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center that not only enable and abet such criminality, but ENCOURAGE it!
Further condemnation goes to the leftist “midstream” media who bury and distort news that might expose the fraud of modern liberalism for what it is: the road to tyranny. Just look at how this tragedy at Ft. Hood was buried the VERY NEXT DAY in favor of the Florida office building shootings.
Even benign lefties like you are guilty by association for your failure to pursue the Truth in matters, preferring instead to accept “news” as it presented rather than how it actually occurred.
Grow up.
Posted by: Philip France | November 08, 2009 at 08:51 PM
Very true Philip. I would add for clarity, although this should be understood by most, that the term liberal and conservative are very ambiguous in America. I think what you and Duke, and almost everyone else, mean when you say Liberal is the modern American liberal such as Nanci Pelosi or Morris Dees and not the classic liberal such as Adam Smih or Thomas Jefferson. In Europe they call "American" liberals social democrats to the best of my understanding. Furthermore I think a lot of people who identify themselves as Liberal are more apolitical and not ideologically driven. Anyway I liked to add that clarification for the record.
In regards to the article,does this not burn your rear end when you see something like this. My first instinct is to want to flog this creep till he pisses himself then send him back to his host country. But, he wont go to his host country because he will stay here and use our western christian driven systems of civil liberty and hospitality to make a better life for himself while he mocks everything that made this country great.
How much longer can we remain a free nation? Actually were not by definition a nation I repeat. How much longer can we remain a free country? The great moral fiber that bound us together is worn thin..principle is a thing of the past. Although muslims are not our biggest problem right now, we have a muslophile president backed by a media which ENCOURAGES every America hating race to come in by the hordes. The body of people who oppose this are being labeled nazi's and given the cold shoulder. This country in many ways is split on a Political,spiritual, and economical axis. Short of God's enduring grace and a spiritual revival we are heading for authoritarianism. To me, the only question is how hard we resist.
Posted by: Shaun | November 08, 2009 at 09:36 PM
Philip, I realise you are one of the most extreme wiriters on this site and the gulf between your politics and mines is large indeed but even you must realise the difference between hyperbole and civil discussion.
Many aspects of "American culture" are indeed supurb but a) americal culture is anot a discrete monolith that is universally deliniated as yours and yours alone. For example what is american culture as you define it? Is it 24hr a day lap dancing, is it a committment to the primacy of the individual? is it a welcoming of hundled masses yearning to be free?, is it unfettered and unrestrained capitalism?, nascar rallies or Walter Burley Griffen?, religious freedom or a judeo/christian country? Can you understand my point? You may think that everyone agrees and understands what you mean when you use the term American culture but I think you would have as many definitions as you have americans.
Secondly, many countries, my own included, would take issue that american culture and america itself is the bestest of best best countries in the world. You do somethings better than we do and other things worse. The childish attitude that all that is american (except what you choose not to see) is better than everything that anyone else has ever done doesn't help anyone not even yourselves.
Finally, moving the goal posts doesn't help your argument any. This case has nothing to do with illegal immigration. So to argue that somehow the support for immigrants shown by the groups you mentioned is somehow support for a home grown nutter who went criminally "postal" armed with powerful guns - a sense of grievance and a stupid theology is a corruption of logic trying to support your political point of view.
(PS You might want to think about where the term "postal" came from.)
Posted by: yoyo | November 09, 2009 at 10:12 PM
Dear yoyo,
“I realise you are one of the most extreme wiriters on this site”
Extreme? Since when is the desire to be morally virtuous “extreme”? Since when is a desire for Godliness in civil society considered negative? Who are YOU to make this determination and by what basis?
“a) americal culture is anot a discrete monolith that is universally deliniated as yours and yours alone.”
Rubbish. What other nation on earth has our Bill of Rights? Your estimate of the value system of the average American is based on a perception that is distorted by a radically corrupt media whose malfeasance is an injustice. Your opinions are formed on your willingness to be deceived by their lies.
“For example what is american culture as you define it?”
Of course I can. American culture is based on a Judeo-Christian value system that is based on the Magna Carta and rooted in the 10 Commandments that God gave to Moses thousands of years ago. This value system, when adequately applied, ensures the greatest opportunity for prosperity to all. It transcends race, denominational and religious preference and economic status. It is a culture where “we the people” govern ourselves so as not to be governed by malefactors and tyrants. Understood properly, our Constitution LIMITS governmental authority so as to separate power, rather than consolidate this. There is no arguing with this logic.
“Is it 24hr a day lap dancing, is it a committment to the primacy of the individual? is it a welcoming of hundled masses yearning to be free?, is it unfettered and unrestrained capitalism?, nascar rallies or Walter Burley Griffen?, religious freedom or a judeo/christian country? Can you understand my point?”
Your point is pointless because it is based on images that are presented to you by sissies and Marxists in the “midstream” media. I have never entered an establishment where “lap dances” are conducted. I have never been to a “NASCAR rally”. Religious freedom means being free to PEACEFULLY practice one’s religion and not freedom FROM religion as you Leftists wish to impose upon us.
“You may think that everyone agrees and understands what you mean when you use the term American culture but I think you would have as many definitions as you have americans.”
It is most audacious of you to make such an assertion, since you are, in fact, not an American. How the HELL do you muster the audacity to suggest to an American what being American means? You owe all Americans an apology for this or are you so daft to perceive such a grievous error?
“Secondly, many countries, my own included, would take issue that american culture and america itself is the bestest of best best countries in the world.”
Just think for a moment about what “your” world would be like if we became isolationist. If we were to remove our military bases from throughout the world? If we were to suspend our charitable giving? Do you think your tiny little island would stand a chance? Didn’t your country vote out John Fox? How ungrateful you sound and I take umbrage at such outrageous ingratitude for it is with the tax dollars from the sweat of my brow (and my fellow hard-working Americans) that your very existence is funded and protected.
“The childish attitude that all that is american (except what you choose not to see) is better than everything that anyone else has ever done doesn't help anyone not even yourselves.”
One day, you will know that it is you and your attitudes that are childish. It is YOU who “chooses” what to see and what not to see. It is evident from the feedback from the fans of Selwyn Duke who is deluded and who is not. Whether the day comes when you realize this happens during your lifetime is my prayer and my hope for you but one day you WILL know this. Hopefully before it is too late. When is too late? Read Revelation, chapters 19-22. The answer is as plain as the azure sky.
“This case has nothing to do with illegal immigration.”
If you follow the commentary back, it was YOU who made this association. I merely responded to your incoherent comments.
“So to argue that somehow the support for immigrants shown by the groups you mentioned is somehow support for a home grown nutter who went criminally "postal"
The lunatic in question was indeed born in the USA but he obviously failed to assimilate into the culture of which I have already addressed. This hatred is being preached in the Mosques in your country too. What apparatus is in place that might discourage or dispel such a heinous act?
“(PS You might want to think about where the term "postal" came from.)”
I already know where it came from. What good would come of my dwelling on it?
It is more preferable that you think on this: Four of the five greatest nations on earth, as measured by GDP (or GNP) are former colonies of the United Kingdom during a time where the UK was profoundly Judeo/Christian. The last of the five became that way after we dropped nuclear bombs on them and imposed our culture on them in their utter humiliation. They are now among the most polite people on our planet.
Once again I beg you: grow up.
Posted by: Philip France | November 10, 2009 at 10:04 PM
First question before I give you an adequate response, who is John Fox?
I've just been to 3 different countries and 5 major cities in the past 2 weeks so I'm pretty tired but I want to give your comment the respect you have not yet given mine.
As they say "I'll be back"
Posted by: yoyo | November 11, 2009 at 02:01 AM