does it tell you when even the IRS commissioner doesn’t prepare his own taxes
because the code is “complex”?
Given that my father had been a
WWII-era prisoner of war in Germany, no one could accuse him of not doing his
part for America. Yet he was no fan of Uncle Scam. So many times he’d passionately
say, “The government is worse than the mafia!” His point was that when you pay
protection money to the local don, no one will dare vandalize your property. But
there’s no such assurance when paying tribute to little g, a fact we were
painfully aware of living in the Bronx.
are few bureaucracies in America that inspire hatred — at least among that
ever-diminishing class of productive citizens — like the Internal Revenue Service.
Doing its part to mitigate materialism, it liberated enough money from our
pockets in 2009 so that we had to work until April 13 for the
government. Some call this part of the “social contract” — which, incidentally,
I don’t remember ever signing. Others call it legalized theft. Yet others call
it slavery.
Read the rest here.
An excellent plan, but IMO I fear one that will never happen without tremendous bloodshed on its account. The main problem is the morality of man. I am not an expert on the Constitution but I would wager that in the minds of the shapers our laws were intended to keep government in its place as they were. The problem arises when Mankind finds ways to twist and manipulate every single detail to sidetrack and confuse. After all the intrusive income tax didn't come around till 1913 I think....until then foreigners paid our bills under tariffs and duties.
One thing I’ve always wondered about the IRS is whether it is unconstitutional to fill out a tax return with your personal information. I’ve always wondered whether that could be argued under the 5th amendment. After all, you are being forced to witness against yourself in our legal system. I don't think that it will ever hold weight but it’s a thought.
Another provision that would have to be settled is the government's ability to print money. In theory our government doesn't have to tax us at all it can just print money and constantly deplete the purchasing power of our currency. IMO, taxes are merely used to control class and be a tool of social engineering. Our currency would have to be tied to commodities (gold or otherwise) so we cannot be frauded out of our wealth. "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by Griffith is an excellent read explaining the Fed and our currency.
Finally, I think it’s high time for a revolution, violent or otherwise. Let’s face it, the problems which affect us today are not going to go away politically. Our government will spend and spend and politicians will pass bankrupt legislation and entitle people to benefits we cannot afford. Taxes will go up as will cost of living. I hope I am wrong but I can't help but be pessimistic about our leadership.
Posted by: Shaun | January 13, 2010 at 05:11 PM
I agree Selwyn! A simple consumption tax is a great way to simplify the tax code. The main reason our government has grown as large and wasteful as it has, is the people have no real connection with their tax dollars. Besides the first generation taxes (taxes directly paid by a person to the government), people really have no idea how much of their hard earned money goes to the government. Second, third and fourth generation taxes and other governmental mandates (fees, licenses and such) paid by small business raises the price of every good and service dramatically; but detached no one realizes it. Besides the mountain of taxes the small business pays (oops I mean the end user pays) for lawyers, CPAs, and other specialists that know how to keep the mob..errrr the government at bay. If people only knew how much tax they really pay they wouldn’t be so exited about funding abortions in Mexico, bike paths in Eugene, ACORN in DC, and Nazi Pelosi’s private 600 mph air taxi. A simplified tax system would give people a first hand view of the money they spend. Sunlight kills all kinds of ills.
Posted by: Walt | January 14, 2010 at 09:46 AM
Do you think a political solution(as desribed above) is to be found with this current regime? I hate to sound so gloom and doom but whenever I think of politics I just cannot see things reversing themselves without extreme measures being taken. In fact I think government regulation of our lives will only increase as we grow in population and we delve further into immorality. I can only imagine if terrorist acts start occuring on our soil more frequently what measures the feds will use to control society. And yes your right, If the average citizen (tax paying that is) stops and thinks about the level of taxation they are paying it is quite a frustrating experience especially when you see the obsurd programs their wealth is funding.
Posted by: Shaun | January 14, 2010 at 02:55 PM
No I do not think Selwyn's proposal is possible under the current regime...we have never been further from it (in principal). However, as I've said before, we are on a path of economic and social calamity, for that you can be sure. Let me be clear, Obama did not cause this impending calamity, this was nearly 100 years in the making. Mr. Obama simply has his foot firmly on the gas petal. We gonna crash!!!! So my hopes here by engaging in a discussion based on a fantasy tax structure, are that we may discuss ideas, retain the knowledge for the day, and rebuild this country right for our kids. Make no mistake, tougher times are ahead, but in tough times tougher men are born. A grain of hope I see on the horizon is the States standing for their rights and pushing the big bully back; this is the rebirth of conservatism. As this grows, and would be men become men, WE THE PEOPLE being closely connected to the power at the state level may just get a simple tax like Selwyn has mentioned passed at a state level. Of course it would be a huge success and others would follow.
So, I have hope, not for today but for tomorrow. The day of judgment (note I did not capitalize the prior statement for a reason) for this nation’s sloppy policy will come. I thank BHO for bringing it faster so we can heal faster.
Posted by: Shaun, | January 14, 2010 at 08:20 PM
Wooops. I do not know how I did that on the previous postit was from me.
Posted by: Walt | January 14, 2010 at 08:21 PM
I noticed the heading...that was strange. I dont think I could agree with you more on this subject.
Posted by: Shaun | January 14, 2010 at 09:34 PM
Kuods to Selwyn for another enlightening article and I commend the ensuing blogposts by Shaun and Walt.
I believe that the Obammunists are overplaying their hand. In my observation of reader comments and at several scources. In my daily man-on-the-street conversations (my favorite: "so how are you digging this global warming?") and in conversations with family, friends and strangers, it is a considerable majority that believes that Obamunnism is a grave mistake. Our nation was not as sufficiently weakened to accept a Marxist takeover that the election of a blatant Marxist to our highest office would have suggested.
The counter-revolution is ripe to take place, but who will step up? My suggestion: former Rep. J.D. Hayworth and former Ambassador John Bolton (or a military leader along the lines of Gen. Peter Pace or Gen. David Petraus).
America rightfully elected its first African-American Prsident. It wrongfully chose a crypt-Marxist. This was a huge mistake.
We demand vigorous and masculine leadership to restore our world-wide might and American exceptionalsism. We thirst for this domestically, internationally and militarily. This sissy agenda has got to go.
Viva la counter-revolución!
Posted by: Philip France | January 16, 2010 at 12:25 AM