We really should start to wonder if the automobile has the same status in Islamic teaching as pigs and dogs — and as that of truthful language in journalism. In an event that was largely ignored by the Lamestream Media, Reuters reports that “youths” in France burned, according to its headline, “hundreds” of cars on New Year’s Eve. But when you read the very short article, you learn that the headline certainly understates the matter. Writes Reuters, "The number of vehicles torched was only 10 short of the record 1,147 burned this time last year, even though the Interior Ministry mobilized 45,000 police during the night — 10,000 more than 12 months ago. "
Read the rest here.
Just curious.
I subscribed to your email "list" to get your articles because we have a similar world view.
However I am wondering why when I want to read your pieces that I get a teaser TWICE
instead of being sent out the full article .. meaning that I first get your email
teaser, which in turn takes me to your blog site where I get to read the teaser AGAIN which
steers me to The American Thinker. I know that we need to spread the "wealth" but
please, I have better things to do than get lost in this maze.
Also. I have written several times over the years both to kudos you and to banter but I guess
you do not appreciate my time there either as I have never gotten a drip of your time. As much
as we agree on the issues - we disagree in that keeping in touch with those who appreciate you
is vital.
Posted by: politicallyINcorrect | January 04, 2010 at 01:35 PM
Now-now Selwyn, You just aren't seeing things right; this is part of their culture and you must respect that. Just as their fore-fathers burned the Library at Alexandria and destroyed artwork across vast lands over the centuries, so must these modern day Moslems follow their roots. Although, burning cars is not exactly an equivalent to Alexandria, or the Twin Towers for that matter, they are just kids...they will get better; after all you just can't expect them to go from a youth soccer field straight to packing their underwear with explosives, can you? This is their cultural heritage and the lack of Moslem leadership that could and would stop this apparent inborn lust for destruction is proof. As long as we refer to Islam as a religion and their barbarian-esque ways as a culture, the enlightened left will require us to be tolerant. After all, as they often quote to their convenience, "judge not lest ye be judged."
Satirically yours,
Posted by: Walt | January 04, 2010 at 05:01 PM
Walt, walt walt, my sloppy boy. How lopng has it been since you visited france, especially suburban France? The way you guys talk like a bad Simpsons episode you are not too keen on the French at the best of times but hey....
1. The French are not into integration, they are totally into assimilation hence the no burka rules (you should LOVE that)
2. The French have hideous suburbs of unemployed young people that stretch and stretch and stretch
3. As someone who is not very fond of the French attitude, ( just spent a bunch of time in New Calledonia) I can see how new immigrants get totally pissed off, I did and I was just trying to catch a bunch of taxis.
4. But the main thing to consider in your hate the muslims rave, is that Spain has 49% unemployment with young people, Germany isn't much better, most euro countries are having problems finding jobs for their kids, ESPECIALLY immigrant kids so wow, I say again WOW, kids who cant get jobs and live in the crappy flats might want to set fire to cars.
Say it aint so!!!!
This is not the muslim faith exposed, it's miserable immigrant boys being total pr*cks.
Posted by: yoyo | January 05, 2010 at 03:06 AM
Does the word Needy mean anything to you?
Selwyn is an international man of intrigue.
He doesn't have time to chew the fat with every hanger-on who worships him. Now get out and meet some people. The fresh air will do you a world of good.
BTW. Selwyn likes his Martinis Shaken, not stirred.
Posted by: BiggerThanAHouse | January 05, 2010 at 07:56 PM
Welcome back Selwyn! Happy 2010 to you and yours, as well as the family of (mostly) intellectuals who post at your site.
I have been thirsting for your intellect and I am so glad to see your return with both barrels blazing.
I had not heard of this incident, but I am painfully aware that Moslem "youths" have been burning the once-great state of France for quite some time now.
How asinine are the modern "liberal" press corps for not and/or underreporting such blatant disregard for civil society?
That benign and happy-go-lucky modern "liberals" might be somehow excused is somehwat understandable. They are being denied the untold truth that radical Islamo-fascists intend to bring the West's way of life to its knees (and worse). That radical factions of the so-called "religion of peace" seeks to destroy our cultural and classical liberalism by beheading us or forcing us into either a (false) conversion and dhimmitude.
I, for one, am not afraid. In the worst case scenario I will grow a beard and fake my prayers five times a day. What are you modern "liberal" morons going to do when they hang you in the public square for being homosexual or promiscuious or sympathizing with such deviancy?
When will you harmless sheep demand of your press corps to tell it like it is? Answer: While you are gasping for your last breath of air.
Illegtimi non coverundum.
Posted by: Philip France | January 05, 2010 at 11:22 PM
Wow phil scary thoughts.... what would I do if the fundie christians like fred phelps wanted to forcibly marry or impregnate my daughters or if the moromon masses sudenly are taken over by the cultish mormons and start killing my gay firends or hell the small group of indian hindus could start behaving like some have in India and torching people. What will we do? Panic panic panic!!! Yep the Islamic fundies are particulalry gross and dangerous, they have a much bigger impact on my life than they ever could on yours given that I work designing airports, however your Duggans dont fill me with glee either. So cant you take the next logical step and see that if one religion can become poisoness then maybe all of them can? Have just finished studying Cromwell, I cant see that the christians have a monopoly on niceness.
Posted by: yoyo | January 06, 2010 at 03:12 AM
Yoyo said, "Walt, walt walt, my sloppy boy. How lopng has it been." Lopng??? Sloppy?
BTW thank you for so eloquently outlining the mess France has become. No, the Islamic invasion is not the only reason for its feminine decline to the second world, however there is a reason for the dissent (or assent to some) of this "progressive" guidepost to the world. The statist solution is not to revitalize France or attempt to repair its economic and social woes, but to bring the rest of the world to it's level; kind of a global bell curve.
Posted by: Walt | January 06, 2010 at 09:41 AM
Darling Yoyo.
You seem to be losing your mind and your coherence with each thought, but I'll humor you (for now). I still recommend that you post before the six glasses of Pinot Griggio or after its effects have worn off.
Fred Phelps and his ilk are lunatic psychopaths. He and his like are not condoned by traditional Christians.
The sin that you commit here, and it is an egregious one; is this: Every group has its extremists and those that falsely attest to its principles while blatantly violating them. Christianity has one or two of them every decade or so. Radical Islam has them all day and every day. They have them in disturbing numbers. By equating the two shows your mind to be unsound and irrational.
Your logic appears to be this: Christians have their radical factions, so why can't Moslems have theirs?
Are you truly this insane?
You have expressed that you have daughters. Are you willing to have them subjected to genital mutilation? Your postings support this fascism. Do you want for them to wear bee-keeper outfits and force them to be carried by a leash by male relatives if they wish to go out in public? Your sympathies support this fascism. You have no excuse.
A personal anecdote:
I and my beloved Lady-friend were shopping together in a department store (it was Kohl's for the curious). While shopping, we both noticed a Moslem couple; the man in traditional Moslem garb and the woman in a hideous and oppressive bee-keeper outfit (in which only her eyes are visible).
Miss "L" (my beloved) asked me quietly, "What the hell could they be possibly be looking for here?"
My response: "A falafel iron, perhaps".
Yoyo, you MUST grow up. Your worldview endangers all of us, including you and your precious daughters.
Posted by: Philip France | January 06, 2010 at 11:20 PM
Yoyo's obsessive use of Fred Phelps to create a derogatory opening perception of Christians is typical of the left. Since they have no reasonable or logical argument to base their opinions, they must use rhetoric to steer the emotions of their audience in an attempt to cut off intellectual discussion. This works for them quite often with the simple minded (2008 election is an example); of this I am sure you are aware. An equivalent to Yoyo's absurd comparison would be to label all progressives (both feel good leftists and statists alike) as Hitler, as he too was a progressive.
Another little trick these leftists use is assumptive language. One yoyo used early on was "40% of the people in the US still don't believe in evolution." She made this statement over and over, in order to imply the lack of belief in evolution is ignorant. Other uses of assumptive language in recent memory are: Bush lied- there were no weapons of mass destruction- man caused CO2 is causing the earth to warm and homosexuality is genetic. Each of these are absurd and can be easily debated and refuted, but they are not interested in debate, only perception. Leftist Robert Ingersol said, "repeat a lie often enough and people will assume it to be true." I say, "Perception functions as reality in absence of the truth."
Posted by: Walt | January 07, 2010 at 12:52 PM
Dear Walt,
You are so correct. Niccolo Machiaveli informed us centuries ago that the general populace values appearances of reality more than they do actual reality. Hence the diabolical empthasis today on "reality" televsion. Could there be a no more profound oxymoron?
Think about it: "reality" television. Have you all lost your freaking minds?
In your reply to me, you hint at the Leftist's tendency to associate Hitler as a right-wing lunatic. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
Hitler was a socialist! That is decidedly LEFT-wing! Hitler was a fascist! That is also DECIDEDLY LEFT Wing.
The error and lie of association is in the fact the Hitler (and his contemporaries Lenin and Mussolini, and to a large extent FDR) is our common belief in nationalism.
While nationalism is a conservative ideal, it ia easily (as demonstrated by the histories of the previously mentioned despots) co-opted for association with true patriots and lovers of our borders, language and culture.
How stupid do you a-holes think we are? More importantly, how stupid are YOU?
C'mom Yoyo and Robert; bring it on!
Posted by: Philip France | January 08, 2010 at 12:14 AM