Perhaps Charles Krauthammer has lunched one too many times with Linda Chavez, but he’s starting to sound more like Harry Reid than the conservative standard bearer he’s reputed to be. On the O’Reilly Factor this on May 4, he supported a “path to citizenship” for illegals, otherwise known as amnesty.
To be fair, Krauthammer did stipulate that immigration enforcement must come first, that amnesty could only be offered to illegal immigrants once the border is 95 percent secure. So I suppose that the good news here is that there is bad news: Since our border won’t be secure anytime soon, we won’t have to worry about Krauthammer lining up with La Raza in the near future.
Read the rest here.
Bravo to Selwyn Duke!
It is the mark of intellectual honesty to criticize those with whom one usually agrees. Charles Krauthammer is largely a proponent of conservative thought and Constitutionally protected liberties but Selwyn hangs him with his own petard. Selwyn Duke has risen above the fray and calls it likes he sees it and he is absolutely correct (that is, actually correct, rather than politically correct).
To this I would add: Beware of FOX News. I mean it wholeheartedly.
You see, few of you know that FOX News is 20% (apprximately) owned by a Saudi Prince. They rarely speak of the Moslem invasion of the United States and the terrorist training camps on OUR OWN SOIL!
Furthermore, FOX gives substantial air-time to compromised, anti-American phonies like Dick Morris, Geraldo Rivera and Newt Gingrich.
Let's start with Dick Morris. For those of you who do not follow political history, Dick Morris was Bill Clinton's toe-sucker for eight years. He is an an abject fraud that capitulates to Americanism, Capitalism and Conservatism because he knows that there is big money in it. He has written best-selling books that benign conservatives eat up. Don't be fooled by him. He is an evil man who will do anything it takes and suck up to any thing that will enrich him. It is telling that his modus operandi is to presently suck up to the so-called conservaative establishment. After all, we are buying and reading all of the serious books.
What about Gerry Rivers and his phony, 60's-era moustache? This is the same heretic that gave away our troop positions in Iraq to a LIVE audience! I want to vomit at the very mention of his name and I pray for the day that I see him in an orange jumpsuit.
And Greta Van Scarface? She was an anchor at CNN. Ask yourself, if a tiger changes its stripes from a vertical to a horizontal orientation, is it any less a tiger?
Listen to Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and ask yourself, what do these men REALLY stand for? I say that it is this: Politics as usual and the status quo. They are apologists for the corrupt Republican Party.
Political point #1 is this: Lord Acton told us long ago that "power xorrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". It follows logically that neither political party can be trusted. This begs the question. "who, then, do we trust?"
The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind. The Greek word for "wind" is "pneuma". It is the same word that is Biblically translated as "spirit".
"Trust in the Lord thy God and lean not to thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."
~ Proverbs 3:5-6 ~
Posted by: Philip France | May 12, 2010 at 11:34 PM
Thanks, Selwyn. I had just emailed my list alerting to Newt's weasel words "control the border first." I pointed out that this was code for "don't mess with those aleady here."
Some recipients were really mad.
I feel vincicated now!
Posted by: Don Hank | May 14, 2010 at 09:23 AM
This is not the only instance where Krauthammer has disappointed recently. A few months back he, along with the rest of the FOX crew, condemned Geert Wilders.
Posted by: Laura | May 14, 2010 at 11:17 AM
Laura has informed me of something of which I was previously unaware. A condemnation of Geert Wilders?
This is an OUTRAGE!
Wilders is among the most fearless men on the planet. We NEED fearless leaders like this, whether or not we completely or incompletely agree with them.
Right on, Laura! Keep it coming.
Posted by: Philip France | May 14, 2010 at 10:59 PM