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August 21, 2010


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Excellent article. This is a very interesting issue that will undoubtedly be brought up increasingly more in the future. It wouldn't surprise me a bit to see genetic engineering create a sort of genetic apartheid where those who have had their genes perfected seeking to separate themselves from the lower classes. Sounds a little strange, but this is being mentioned rather frequently on science and discovery programs. Would modifying our genetic structure pervert our design by God? Interesting question. Can't wait to see what the future holds.


Philip France

I agree with Shaun that this is an excellent article.

There are several inexpensive DVD documentaries available at Amazon that not only support Selwyn's premise but also illustrate them for the non-scientific mind. Here are some titles:

Icons of Evolution
Unlocking the Mysteries of Life
The Privileged Planet
Ben Stein's Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed
Darwin's Dilemma - which deals with the Cambrian Explosion of Life that overwhelmingly discredits Darwin's Macroevolution theories.

There are also two outstanding books worth reading:

1. The Design of Life by William Dembski and Jonathan Wells.
2. Signature in the Cell by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, PhD.

Lastly, any mention of Darwin should include the actual title of his controversial book. The true title reads:

"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of FAVORED RACES in the Struggle for Life." (Emphasis mine).

Robert Berger

This is typical conservative hogwash,blaming Darwin for Hitler,the Nazis,and all that,and Margaret Sqanger for abortion.
All poppycock. Darwin is no more to blame for the Nazi eugenics theories,WW2 and the holocaust than Christ is to blame for the Spanish Inquisition.
And if Darwin's theories are false, does that mean that the only truth is creationism and the literal interpretation of the Bible,and that you can only be moral if you believe in this?
Please!!!!! How ridiculous can you get? And that the world is only 6,000 years old,Adam and Eve,Noah and the Ark etc actually existed, and that God chose some young girl in ancient Palestine out of the blue 2,000 years ago in order to impregnante her with his son so that he would be brutally executed in order to redeem mankind,at least those who accept Christ as savior?
Come on now. Any one who thinks that dinosaurs existed along with humans,or that Adam and Eve actually existed is extremely naive,to put it as tactfully as possible.
And the ancient Sumerians already had an advanced civilization 6,000 years ago.
There is absolutely no conflict between Darwin's theory of evolution and belief in God.
Let's face it;evil,ruthless and power-hungry individuals have always used any excuse to slaughter huge numbers of people.Did Genghis Khan and Tamerlane need Darwin to make their bloody conquests?
And Margaret Sanger is not responsible for the existence of abortion in America or anywhere else. Abortion occurs because of desperate poverty,and would still have been common today even without her.


See, the problem here, mr hamberger. Is that you don't know that Darwins entire theory and life's work was racially motivated. The whole, survival of the fittest, evolution blah blah. He did ALL that stuff, to "prove" that whites were a more evolved and superior race to (mostly)blacks and other races. And what was Hitlers thing? Oh that's right, that the Germans were a superior race!

So you are half correct. The Spanish inquisition cannot be blamed on Christ. But Hitler, can be blamed on Darwin.


Dan, sorry that response is obviously lies, not even stupidity or misunderstanding of texts, but basic lies. Darwin was a product of his times but was even so considered progressive in terms of race. If you could read more than Fox TVs captions I would recommend his letters from slave colonies in Jamacia.(Very strongly stating the equality of races and castigating upper class whites slave owners as appalling and immoral).

The spanish inquisition cannot be blamed on the philosophy of jesus christ but it has a definate causal link to formal religion, particularly the idea that one particular interpretation of theology is the only version that makes you a human being. Consider the way that jews were treated by the spanish, the foulest of tortures, because they were "false converts".

Yes Americans approached the most basic eugenic ideas whole heartedly, think of the evil syphilis experiments down south, in Aus people with downs syndrome were still steralised into the 1970's. However, I would not pat myself on the back if I was a member of the wingnut noise machine, who amongst them cannot admit to having supported shock jocks talking about "welfare" mothers having too many children?

Learning to include people with a wide range of abilities is a sign of a strong supporting community, Hitler and those who dont believe in healthcare for all, would have cost us Hawkins and never known their loss.

Philio France

Yoyo's response to Dan is another example of her shallow understanding of life and our inter-relatedness to each other. For example, she dismisses Dan's factually informed opinions as "lies". I hate to break it you, honey, but your worldview is based entirely on your willingness to believe lies. It follows logically that you cannot distinguish truth from lies and you are therefore unqualified to make such accusations. Your assertions simply do not resonate with the sober-minded visitors to this website.

Your attempt at apologetics on behalf of Charles Darwin completely misses the point of Selwyn's article by conflating slavery with eugenics. You do this with the childish ignorance of the facts that there were many white slaves (perhaps more so than blacks) and that there were many black slave-holders (I'll bet you did not read that in your little red history book).

You also make the following utterly incoherent statement: “However, I would not pat myself on the back if I was a member of the wingnut noise machine, who amongst them cannot admit to having supported shock jocks talking about "welfare" mothers having too many children?”

From this nonsense, and by way of your previously demonstrated hostility to reliable facts and sober thought I can deduce that by the term “wing-nut” you refer to those that you disagree with. That would include Selwyn Duke, a far more educated and articulate man than you cold ever dream to be as well as myself and other proponents of rationality and truth such as Dan, Shaun, Walt, Gary and myself. You lose.

I will even indulge your ridiculous premise that criticism of welfare mothers having “too many children”. What is wrong with that assertion? Frankly, a mature and competent society would not allow them a vote, either.

Your final paragraph is so incoherent as to not merit a response. In the original article of which inspired this debate, Selwyn drew a clear and factual line connecting social Darwinism through the eugenics movement and straight to Hitler and his evildoings. He is factually and historically correct. Period!

It is Lenin’s “useful idiots” such as you that continue to perpetuate evil and evil lies for the unforgivable reason that you are too child-like and immature to admit that you are simply wrong.

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Yoyo's response to Dan is another example of her shallow understanding of life and our inter-relatedness to each other. For example, she dismisses Dan's factually informed opinions as "lies". I hate to break it you, honey, but your worldview is based entirely on your willingness to believe lies. It follows logically that you cannot distinguish truth from lies and you are therefore unqualified to make such accusations. Your assertions simply do not resonate with the sober-minded visitors to this website.

Your attempt at apologetics on behalf of Chdsarles Darwin completely misses the point of Selwyn's article by conflating slavery with eugenics. You do this with the childish ignorance of the facts that there were many white slaves (perhaps more so than blacks) and that there were many black slave-holders (I'll bet you did not read that in your little red history book).

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