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February 28, 2011


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"And is it a stretch to say that little Cassy might have gotten the message that to get the approval of a father who perhaps wanted a boy, she’d have to act like one? Sorry, folks, but I won’t mince words: What we have here is twisted and a form of child abuse."

Interesting perspective. I think your theory may well be born out in observations of eldest females. Somewhat ironically, the very feminine impulse to mold yourself into whatever your daddy/hero wants you to be might lead a girl to behave in very unfeminine ways. I've also seen fathers focus this desire for someone to carry on his work if not his name on a daughter who showed more capacity for academic pursuits than her brother. In both cases, the young women who worked hard to please their fathers in all high school subjects, ended up getting degrees that more typically reflect female intellectual strengths.

I myself am not very athletic so it was news to me that Title IX created more opportunities for less physically capable female athletes at the expense of positions for males. How unfair. And these periodic urges for a young female (or her father) to compete against males to prove she's not just one of the girls are an annoyance. But now that fathers and not just competitive women can bond with their daughters who play soccer instead of having to feign interest in the girl's dance recitals or homemaking projects, I don't see an end to these incursions into the sphere of male sports competitions.

You know I don't think it's ever been uncommon for young girls, especially country girls, to be good enough to play relatively rough sports against boys in middle childhood but then they hit puberty which changes everything. I'm glad Northrup held to his principles and kept his dignity. He's probably a good candidate for MMA (I think they call it).

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