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August 21, 2011


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Philip France

What about the return to England of the bust of Churchill?
What announcing plans to close Gitmo?
To try terrorist animals in civilian courts?
The taking over of the student loan industry?
Perhaps the worst is the repeal of DADT (technically by Congress, but he signed it).

The worst is yet to come:

1. Amnesty to illegals.
2. Cap and trade.
3. Assault on 2nd Amendment rights.
4. The sanctity of the citizen vote.

Mr. Duke, in his fine article, calls him President Downgrade. To Mr. & Mrs. America, their children and their children's children, he is President "Up Yours".

Intrinsic Value

"A crucial thing that people forget, is that at the last FOMC meeting, the Fed governors had said they had discussed a wide range of actions they could take if the economy weakened. So if economic data continues to stay weak that could be the 'trigger on September 20 to take action'. "

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