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« Obama, Contraception, and Freedom of Association: Constitutional Guys Finish Last | Main | Samuel L. Jackson Drops the Act: Admits He Only Voted for Obama because of Race »

February 12, 2012


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Robert Berger

Marriage does not need to be "defended". It's the rights of gay people in America which need to be defended. DOMA is nothing but a smokescreen for homophobic bigotry and will open up the slippery slope toward gradually chipping away at the rights of gays in America.
Allowing same sex marriage does not interfere in any way with opposite sex couples getting married and raising families. DOMA is is totally unconstitutional and must be repealed as soon as possible..


The Federal government has absolutley no business making laws or even hearing cases on marriage, from either an inalenable rights perspective or from a Constitutional perspective. The States however, do have the power reserved for them in the 10th Amendment to do so, but I still think they should stay out of it. Marriage is between a two people (historically man and a woman) and God. If any two people want to get togther and say a chant and call themselves married, joined or rubabrb, why should anyone care. Government is for enforcing civil contracts and if a contract between two people is filed and recorded than it must be binding and enforced by law. As for now marriage is really not a contract with any detail and should not be considered one of any worth. The reason we go through all this headache is we have allowed the federal government to lord power over us; a power they do not legaly have. This is but another symptom of nationalism, which is a system our founders (most of them anyway) roundly opposed.

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