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May 09, 2012


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At The Conservative Treehouse,



You know, when I'm sober enough to do the math, I think I'm that much Cherokee. But, alas, I might get further confused and think I'm dividing up notes in a glissando - 1/16th, 1/32nd, 1/64th, 1/96th?

Does this mean I could've gone to Harvard too?

Philip France

Excellent article.

An elaborate study and expose of the Leftist mind such as Warren's has recently been published. I recommend reading "Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph" by Dennis Prager (available in bookstores now).

Dennis is a best-selling author, distinguished columnist and radio show host. If his radio show is available in your area, do yourself a favor and seek him out. His mind is one of utmost clarity.

His wen page is: At his site, you can find Prager University: a collection of 5-minute video courses (some of whom feature intellectual stars such as Dr. Walter E. Williams, historians Paul Johnson and Bruce Herschensohn) intended to undo the damage that has emanated from American universities and academia in general.

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