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November 09, 2012


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Democrats are committing fraud, who'd thunk it? That's the only way they win. By lying, cheating, stealing, and promising free stuff. It's stupidity but in this generation "gimme dat" is more important than hard work.

Robert Berger

Selwyn, this is so disgustingly vile your name should be "Selwyn Puke". That's just what I feel like doing after seeing the way you have compared the Obama victory to Hitler being elected .
If anything, it's dishonest Repugnicans who have been tryoing to keep th evotes of Blacks and Hispanics from being counted .


By requiring voter ID laws? I guess its racist to believe blacks should have standards and be treated equally?

Philip France

Joseph Stalin sent KBG agents into the U.S., especially its media and academia, to get people like Robert Berger to believe the way that they do. He (Stalin) was grossly successful.

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