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« School Shootings Solution: Not Gun Control or Guard Patrol — Door Control | Main | Ten Piers Morgan Gun Lies, Untruths, and Deceptions »

January 14, 2013


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As an I adult I feel at a great disadvantage to these weapon-wielding kids. I've only launched the occasional homonym or grammar flame no bullets or knives.

However I would be concerned that once a child learns the power of the bullet, he might start resorting to gun fights as a means to resolve less physically threatening matters.

From the same data you provided for your pro-gun stance, I've noticed that guns are more prevalent and probably harder to regulate in the southwest and will raise you a conjecture that latino on latino gun violence will begin to compare with similar circumstances in the population of lower class blacks. This gets to another excellent reason not to bar the law abiding from gun ownership: the large communities dominated by a criminal underclass are going to have guns no matter what.

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