First there was the anti-Western Westerner, the hate-America-first crowd, and the self-loathing white person. Now we have the anti-human human, who, like General Ursus in Beneath the Planet of the Apes, seems to think that “the only good human is a dead human!” Of course, the Kum-Gaia-singing misanthropes don’t actually say that; rather, as David Attenborough recently opined, they assert that man is a “plague” whose burgeoning population threatens to do to the planet’s resources what the feds do to the treasury. Now, I already pointed out in a recent piece that Attenborough is factually wrong: The world will in the foreseeable future likely face a population implosion, not an explosion. But he is philosophically wrong as well.
There is no doubt that we should be good shepherds of the Earth. We have a responsibility to conserve resources when possible and should cherish God’s creation. And while we can acknowledge that we all too often fail in that regard, it is quite another thing to call man a “plague,” which clearly implies that he is a troublesome life form deleterious to something more important. Yet the issue here isn’t just that some ascribe greater value to the Earth than to man, or at best equal value. It is the larger questions of why they believe the Earth has any intrinsic value at all and the basis on which that value is assessed.
Read the rest here.
I don't know if the human race is a "plague on the earth", but right -wing extremist doofuses like Selwyn Duke certainly are . Others who fall into this category: Rush Lamebrain, Michael Sewage, Anthrax Coulter, Glenn Dreck ,(my spellings), Sean dumber than a manatee Hannity, Sarah Palin,
Rick Sanctimonioustorum, Michele Bachmann, Todd Akin, Joseph Farah, Tony Perkins, Matt Barber, Bradlee Dean, Scott Lively, Jim De Mint and others of their ilk .
Posted by: Robert Berger | February 07, 2013 at 11:42 AM