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February 03, 2014


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Spurwing Plover

the SPLC is no diffrent then the ACLU,FFRF,NAACP,CFR, and the rest of the leftists subversives wanting to bring down america as part of the NWO and the leftists UN and the rest of satans followers

Robert Berger

There is no such thing as an " ex homosexual" ny more than there is such thing as an ex left-handed person . AlL people who claim to have been "cured" of their homosexuality by "therapy" have been BRAINWASHED. They invariably return to their homosexuality .
Reparative "therapy" for gay people is a FRAUD, and a dangerous fraud which has been proved to be extremely harmful to gay peoploe. It should be illegal,period .
"Same sex attraction" is a ridiculous and stupid term which makes homosexuality sound like a mental disorder, which is is NOT .
There are countless gay people who are perfectly happy with what they are and live normal, productive lives . Those gay people who submit to the fraud of "gay reparative therapy" are always from religious families which have taught them to be ashamed of their homosexuality .This is very unhealthhy and haremful to them.

Dmitry Chernikov

Selwyn, just as the government would save us from ourselves by banning drugs, so it is only natural for it (such as for the government judge who will hear this case) to seek to forbid "harmful" therapies that individuals would voluntarily seek out. You are "dubious" about the medicinal benefits of marijuana; the poster above me, Robert Berger, is similarly dubious about the therapeutic effect of SSA treatments. Do these qualms give either of you the right to ban either marijuana or gayness therapy?

Dmitry Chernikov

Selwyn, just as the government would save us from ourselves by banning drugs, so it is only natural for it (such as for the government judge who will hear this case) to seek to forbid "harmful" therapies that individuals would voluntarily seek out. You are "dubious" about the medicinal benefits of marijuana; the poster above me, Robert Berger, is similarly dubious about the therapeutic effect of SSA treatments. Do these qualms give either of you the right to ban either marijuana or gayness therapy?

Robert  Berger

Dmitry, I'm far from alone in being opposed to the dangerous fraud of "therapy" to "cure"
gay people of their homosexuality . There is plenty of support for my claims and you can
easily google it yourself .
I repeat - all so-called "ex gays" have been the victim of brainwashing .

Philip France

Robert, you insufferable moron!

I, myself, have counseled a young man away from his homosexual proclivities through the Word of the Most High God and through the love of our Lord, Christ Jesus. He is now happily married and has four beautiful children.

Why do you post here? No one, and I repeat NO ONE, that visits this page out of honest inquiry cares a whit about your insane leftist views. If you are commenting here just to annoy people like Selwyn Duke, and me it works for about a nano-second.

Furthermore, since you deny the existence of God and our Lord, Christ Jesus, it follows that you also deny the existence of Satan. This is your biggest mistake. Being in denial of these beings renders your life meaningless. Go away.

Philip France

He is now happily married and has four beautiful children.

Correction: Paul is married to a lovely WOMAN and has four beautiful children.


That was understood, Philip France. Marriage is ONLY between a man and a woman. A nutso government may declare otherwise, but that's no more true than if they were to pass legislation stating that cats were now dogs.

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