By Selwyn Duke
“I wanted to inflict pain on all young couples.... I was capable of killing them, and I wanted to. I wanted to kill them slowly, to strip the skins off their flesh. They deserve it. The males deserve it for taking the females away from me, and the females deserve it for choosing those males instead of me” — My Twisted World, The Story of Elliot Rodger, page 87.
On the surface, Elliot Rodger had it all. The son of a Hollywood director, he lived a life of opulence and opportunity, able to attend private schools, receiving VIP passes for special events and film premieres, and visiting six different countries by the age of four. He regularly bought expensive designer clothes, wore $300 Armani sunglasses, and could fly first class. And when he killed six people this past Friday in a rampage centered around the University of California, Santa Barbara campus, he was driving a BMW 328I coupe, a car most Americans can scarcely afford.
But it was Rodger’s unfulfilled desires for women’s attention and sex that truly drove him — to despair, jealousy and, ultimately, to murder and suicide.
Read the rest here.
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