By Selwyn Duke
“They have blood on their hands,” said former NYC police commissioner Bernard Kerik, of Mayor Bill de Blasio, Al Sharpton and “all those who encouraged this anti-cop, racist mentality.” He was, of course, commenting on the heinous assassinations of the two NYPD officers this weekend. “All those who encouraged,” by the way, would include Barack Obama and Eric Holder.
Virtually all the mainstream media.
And most of academia.
Liberals lied and people died.
Leftist Lies — killing people for 225 years (I’m starting with the French Revolution).
Of course, liberals now are doing damage control after their damage inducement. Al Sharpton, the race-baiting, rabble-rousing reprobate, was given space by New York’s Daily News to claim he was “outraged and saddened by the deaths of these police officers” and that at “every rally and every march” he has “stressed nonviolence and peaceful protests.”
We noticed that on his “Million Marchers” day (Dec. 13) when “protesters” in NYC chanted “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”
We noticed it also when, in the Washington, D.C. march Sharpie Sharpton led himself, his followers repeatedly uttered the word “peace” — within the context of the chant “No justice, no peace!”
And we noticed it when Sharpton called the owner of Freddy’s Fashion Mart a “white interloper” and incited the 1995 massacre there during which seven innocents died.
Then we had NAACP President Cornell William Brooks on CBS's "Face the Nation" saying it was “unfair” to link the NYC killings, by Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, to Obama, Holder and Bolshevik Bill de Blasio.
Except that Brinsley made clear via his Instagram account that his deadly plan was “retribution” for the Michael Brown and Eric Garner deaths.
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