“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” These words are probably the best known in the Declaration of Independence, but perhaps not by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo (shown). Either that, or he simply doesn’t believe them. Because while debating the constitutionality of faux marriage Thursday morning, he said that our rights do not come from God, but man.
Toward the end of a passionate exchange with Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in which the latter asserted that rights cannot be a product of man, Cuomo made his remark, saying, “Our rights do not come from God. That’s your faith, that’s my faith, but that’s not our country. Our laws come from collective agreement and compromise.”
Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, might be surprised to hear this. And there may be some who’d lament that the Founding Fathers didn’t have Chris Cuomo around to set them straight before ol‘ Tom put pen to paper. But others might note that Cuomo’s opinion was a very shallow statement that gets at some very deep issues.
Read the rest here.
Please tell me . Where does"god" specifically tell us what our rights are ? The Bible ? Are ou kidding .
People who say that our rights "come from god" are merely using this as an excuse to try to tell others what they may or may not do BASED ON THEIR OWN OPINIONS and THEIR subjective interpretation of what the Bible
says .
You "disappriove" of homosexuality ? Then you claim that "god " forbids it .All because of certain lines in the old testament which were written by primitive middle eastern tribesmen who believed in an imaginary bronze age Semitic sky god who supposedly hates gay people and wants everybody to suck up to him 24/7 .
You're opposed to abortion ? Where does the Binle refer to this ? Nowhere .
You're offended by pornography ? Where in the Bible does it say whether people are permitted to use it ? Nowhere .
The Bible caalls homosexuality an abomination ? WEll, it also prohibits eating prork and shellfish , working on the Sabbath , wearing clothes with two kinds of fabric , requires parents to put disobedient children to death , and demansds that adulterous women be stoned to death . If you believe in the Bible, why not follow it to the letter, rather than cherry picking it for your own selfish purposes ?
You do NOT need religion to be a good and moral person , nor does being religious mean that you will automatically be
a good person .
Posted by: Robert Berger | February 17, 2015 at 06:45 PM