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January 27, 2016


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Robert Berger

The "Center for medical progress " (what an Orwellian name ) is a fanatical anti-abortion, anti-choice organization which fraudulently doctored Planned Parenthood videos to make them appear as though PP sells body parts of aborted fetuses, which it does not and has never done . They are bogus journalists and DESERVE to be criminally indicted and prosecuted . Planned Parenthood donates body tissue for scientific research, but only with the consent of its patients. This is neither illegal nor immoral .
Yet Selwyn Duke and millions of other gullible right-wingers in America blindly accepted the false rumors spread by the "Center" as truth . And on the basis of blatant lies and misinformation, they are idiotically calling for Planned Parenthood, which has saved the lives of who knows how many poor American women with its medical services to be defunded by the government . This would be absolutely disastrous for poor women all over America and only lead to a marked INCREASE in the abortion rate in America .
The Center for medical "progress " deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law !

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