The signs are all there: bizarre coughing fits, falls, failure to return to a debate stage on time, requiring help up stairs, and what many describe as seizures and blackouts. Hillary Clinton is running what may be a truly historic campaign, as she is possibly the most unhealthy major party nominee to ever seek our nation’s highest office. Yet the media are predictably incurious about the true state of her health as they and her handlers try to drag her across the November 8 finish line — even though electing her could leave us with a President Tim Kaine.
Read the rest here.
Duke, you're just gullibly repeating the same old anti-hiullary lies. There is not one shred of evidence that Hillary Clinton is seriously ill. But one thing is certain - Donald Trump's mental sanity is extremely doubtful ! And anyone who can;t see this is an imbecile ! Like YOU Selwyn Puke .
Posted by: Robert Berger | August 24, 2016 at 08:22 PM
>>... There is not one shred of evidence that Hillary Clinton is seriously ill.
Did you read the article? Would you like me to number them for you? (WARNING: It goes past 2 or 3, so you may want someone standing by to help you keep up.)
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Undergound'
Posted by: D-FensDogG | August 31, 2016 at 11:33 AM