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« Rap-music Ban Called “Racist” | Main | The Deadly R-word: Girl Kills Herself for Fear of Being Called “Racist” »

August 30, 2016


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Robert Berger

This is not "perversion ". These protests are making a good point ! Why is it illegal in so much of America for people to buy harmless sex toys, yet so easy for people to buy guns, which are so dangerous. Wanting gun control does NOT make you "anti-gun ". This is as idiotic as saying that requiring people to have licenses to drive is "anti-car ". Nobody in America wants to make all guns illegal and have the government confiscate them . All gun control advocates are asking for a SENSIBLE laws controlling gins for safety . This is NOT a violation of the 2nd amendment . There is NOTHING in this amendment which states that the government may not make laws regulating guns for safety . And how many runs has Obama "grabbed" so far ? Not a single one !

Kirk H

"Perversion" may not be the correct term here. How about "obscene"? Or "lurid"? Or "obnoxious"? You ask why it is illegal for Americans to buy harmless sex toys, yet so easy to buy guns. Where in America is it illegal to buy sex toys? Anyone can buy them online anytime they wish, without any background check or scrutiny. On the other hand, try buying a gun if you're a convicted felon or have other issues that come up in your background check. Won't happen.

I suspect your premise is that SENSIBLE gun laws would put a halt to crimes committed with guns. That might be true, IF crimes were actually being committed by people who actually acquire their weapons legally. They aren't and they don't. Gun laws don't prevent CRIMINALS from obtaining guns. See Chicago.

As for Obama's attempt to limit our 2nd Amendment rights. That can be done in very subtle ways, over long periods of time. For instance, what good is it to me if I own a gun, but can't buy ammo? It is already EXTREMELY difficult for law abiding citizens to obtain and carry guns in many areas of the country. This is mostly true in the HIGH CRIME CITIES RUN BY DEMOCRATS.

Robert Berger

There ARE some states where it's illegal for stores to sell sex toys, which is ridiculous .

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