Boys can be girls and girls can be boys, and rye can transform into wheat, wheat into barley, and ideology into “science.” Believe it or not, all these things have been claimed, but only one has actually occurred, with ideology having been, to be precise, transformed into pseudoscience.
As to this, the claims about grain transformation were made by proponents of Lysenkoism, a pseudoscientific theory named after Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko. Proposing the heritability of acquired characteristics and rejecting the concept of genes, it was an official theory of the USSR for almost 45 years. And scientists departing from it were fired, imprisoned, and sometimes executed. It’s not known if they were called “bigots” and “haters,” but, after all, that’s hardly necessary when you can avoid the preliminaries and send dissenters straight to the gulag.
In at least one way, though, Lysenkoism wasn’t nearly as destructive as this article’s subject: the “transgender” agenda. To wit: No grain of wheat ever became confused by claims it could become barley. No grain of rye ever tried to “transition.” And no oat ever felt its oats and demanded it be with the wheat when the bracts are stripped away. But it’s not nearly as harmless telling a child he might be — and could be — a member of the opposite sex.
Read the rest here.