By Selwyn Duke
More than two years after Austria’s so-called burqa ban, the nation has taken another half step to preserve its culture: It has enacted a law designed to stop Muslim girls from wearing Islamic headscarves in primary schools.
As reports, using the usual propagandistic terms (e.g., “far-right”) to describe conservative parties, “The bill passed with the support of the governing center-right People’s Party (ÖVP) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ). Almost all of the opposition voted against it.”
“To avoid the impression that it targets Muslims, the text refers to any ‘ideologically or religiously influenced clothing which is associated with the covering of the head,’” the site continues.
Nonetheless, “Representatives of both parts of the governing coalition … have made it clear that despite its wide description, the law is targeted at the Islamic headscarf,” the Guardian states.
Read the rest here.
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