By Selwyn Duke
In New York, once found to be the least free state, politicians are working overtime trying to make ex-NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ill-fated large soda ban seem the norm. The latest example is a proposal in Long Island’s Suffolk County to ban smoking “in apartment complexes, condominiums, and multi-family dwellings,” writes CBS New York, with violators facing up to a $1,000 fine.
“Smoking is already banned in many public places, and near schools and office buildings,” the site continues. But that’s not enough. In fact, CBS informs that there are two proposed laws to “reduce” second-hand smoke in Suffolk.
“‘Let me be clear, any legislation that there is a vote required that would have an impact on preventing the public or innocent people who have made a choice not to smoke, from being exposed to smoke, I will support that legislation,’ Suffolk Legislator Dr. William Spencer said,” CBS also tells us.
“Spencer, who is also a medical doctor, said secondhand smoke can permeate through cracks in walls, electrical lines, plumbing, and ventilation systems.”
Plumbing? Seriously?
Read the rest here.
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