A man on the street wouldn’t think to define a human being as three-fifths of a person, but this was the language that emerged when Southern slaveholding states and Northern abolitionists negotiated slave status for congressional representation. For politics doesn’t just make strange bedfellows; it draws strange conclusions. Its scientific conclusions are no exception.
In deference to the strange bedfellow that is China, the World Health Organization once proclaimed that the coronavirus wasn’t transmissible person to person (you had to kiss a pangolin or something, I guess). The CDC was against masking before it was for it, briefly opposed it again, before resuming full maskaholism a day or two later. Ditto for Dr. Anthony “Flip-flop” Fauci, who seems to have taken every COVID-19 and COVID-1984 position imaginable, as he applies relativism to disease remediation.
Read the rest here.