By Selwyn Duke
If it’s true that you get more of what you pay for, we’re about to have more “transgender” and “non-binary” people.
At least in Palm Springs, California, anyway.
Because that city is now going to devote $200,000 to a universal basic income program — a.k.a. a “handout” — that will give 20 residents between $600 and $900 per month over a two year period. But only MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status; in this case, “transgender” and “non-binary”) individuals need apply.
It hasn’t been reported how the city fathers (or un-sexually-defined sentient bipeds) will determine who is “legitimately” “trans” or “non-binary”; there is no physiologically oriented medical test to determine such status, after all. The “diagnosis” is based solely on feelings.
Speaking of which, the Palm Springs City Council members’ feelings are crystal clear....
Read the rest here.
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