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« “Trans” Cult Exposed as Phony by Cass Report, But Will Die With Its Child-mutilating Boots On | Main | Do “Scientists” REALLY Claim There’s No “‘Simple’ Answer to Define ‘Woman’”? »

April 26, 2024


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Mad Celt

Of course. It is as natural as the air they breathe. The fault lies with politicians who failed to realize Islam is not another denomination who faced persecution because of its doctrine. It was a worldview, beaten down because of its hostility and cruelty.


Almost half?????? Surely thou jests fool!!!!!! They are all trained in a mission of absolute control. This is just a distribution of some of them to assure it!!!!! Try going back in history and get educated on the subject!!!!!!


Well, well, well. Didn't see that coming, did we?
Of course, it is way beyond too late for Europe. They no longer have the guts to stand up to this onslaught and will soon fold. No government there has the will to stand up for their citizens and their culture. No citizen has the means to resist nor is there any sense of community that would provide the organization needed to fight back. Unarmed and unorganized civilians against a cohesive unit of fanatics willing and even determined to die for their beliefs? Sorry but that is a losing proposition from the start.
The situation in the US is almost as bad. We have a society of minorities unable and unwilling to blend into our culture, even demanding that we tear down that culture and replace it with a 9th century semi-nomadic, desert dwelling barbarian one. And there are segments of our non-Muslim citizens who actually want this and even think it is a good idea. God help us.


The fact is that Imams have been instructing their people to come to Europe in order to take over Governments but mainly to cover females thus creating
absolute Islamism for good or bad which can only be determined by how you think things are going in the west.At the time a woman called Theresa May was PM of the UK and ,a home officer, Steve Moxon,blew the whistle as to the number of north africans being let into the UK without documentation.At the time he said 40,000,000 were waiting to get to Europe.Our politicians have let us down but the church appears to be almost treasonable

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