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September 27, 2024


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he's a liberal lefty, so it's not surprising. the guy has never been correct about anything he has said.

Robert Berger

Sorry, Selwyn . Bill Nye is absolutely right about everything he says . But some of the things you say about him are nothing but straw men and you're putting words in his mouth . Climate change IS an existential threat to the entire planet . But the greedy, ruthless CEOS of the big oil corporations don't want essential government regulations to protect the environment interfering with their raking in the billions with impunity , so. THEY have created their own hoax, namely climate change denial .
And the Republicans in congress are in their pay , which is why they deny climate change . This is also why poor excuse for a president Donald Trump deregulated essential environmental protection laws and allowed the big oil corporations to pour massive amounts of toxic chemicals and animal waste on our precious rivers, lakes, streams, national parks and water reservoirs - all so he could make mucho moolah himself . And why he so stupidly withdrew from the Paris accord .
No one in the developed world is being "penalized for having extra kids ". There is absolutely nothing wrong with different sexual identities . These don't harm anyone . What is harmful is the rampant bigotry in America against LGBTQ people in America . "Pro-life proponents " ARE scientifically ignorant in general and they are ANTI-CHOICE , not "pro-life". No one is "pro-abortion ". "Pro-lifers " are actually pro BIRTH . FORCED birth .


Sorry, Robert. You've been drinking the kool aid again. You support men participating in women's sports, regardless of the increased physical danger to the female participants. The fact is most of the "gender" advocates are perverts taking advantage. Actual transgenders are less than 1% of the population, so prioritizing their "feelings" over 50% of the population is laughable. We wisely left the paris accords because the vast onus of regulation was falling on the US. Worried about climate change?? Then get your butt to China and India, the two biggest polluters in the world, and start preaching your gospel. I dare you. I'm sure you also support no cash bail, reparations and censorship. You're a real winner, Robert!/sarc

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