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« AP: Noncitizen Voting Is “Rare” — So Let’s Just Ignore It | Main | Teacher Who Wouldn’t be Part of “Trans” Child Abuse of Boy Jailed for THIRD Time »

September 03, 2024


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April Fields

I've said many times the only reason Trump won in 2016 was because most Trump voters were keeping their mouths shut so the Dims felt that they were a shoe in so they didn't know how much to cheat. In 2020 they didn't care how much they cheated, their response was, what ya gonna do about it. So, here we are 2024 and since they got away with the big cheat they will do it again. Whatever works. Not sure how to stop it.


when you and your message sucks, cheating is what the low level people do.

Selwyn Duke

Dear April,

Thank you for responding. Yes, I've long said that in 2016, the Democrats were caught flat-footed; they didn't grasp the magnitude of Trump's hidden support. They weren't going to make that mistake again in 2020 — and didn't. (I predicted before the 2020 election that Trump would lose and that vote fraud would be the reason.)

I've also long said that it's unfathomable to think the Left won't replicate the 2020 election theft this year. They already know the drill, after all. And why wouldn't they? It's not as if they've had a road to Damascus moment.

I hope that, by some miracle, Trump can still win. But I don't think the probability of that is high.

God bless,

Selwyn Duke

April Fields

I do think they dumped Biden because his poll numbers were too bad to pump. Insert Kamala who had no polls and so the pump was on. I do not understand the object of polls anyway. Beyond mass psychosis but then I am a free and independent thinker.

I recently saw an interview with Greg Stenstrum called The Council That Rules America. I saw it on a Curtis Bower's Rumble. I think we need Divine Intervention at this point. I am thinking you would have something to say about this.

Johnny 99

Polls are designed not to gauge public opinion but to form it.

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