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September 04, 2024


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"Actually, Burke is a lion, and a shepherd, among sheep and wolves. Not that many decades ago his beliefs were considered axiomatically true. "

I disagree. Burke has a responsibility to himself and his family not to destroy himself by playing the martyr. In this case he could surely find another job. The sacrifice was in losing this one by standing up for his beliefs. In a country like Irelanhe could sue. While it may be the Christlike thing to do, no country has the right to demand the patience of Job from its citizens. And no individual should allow his government or employer to make him a human sacrifice. I've encountered this kind of thinking before and find it to be shallow and glib. Authoritarian governments often instruct their citizens to be willing sacrifices while also demanding that they believe immoral or untrue things. It's astonishing how many people who aren't the king will nevertheless make themselves the enforcers of totalitarian power.


Some would suggest that Mr Burke 'play along to get along'. For some, this is the smart play. But the life your children will lead is directly effected by your actions. Make them count.

Robert Berger

In the US, conservatives are angry about. schools which do not. inform parents when a student. tells. advisors that he or she wants to become transgender . But. when. many parents hear about their children's desire to become trans , they suffer. terrible parental abuse, physical and mental . There is a good reason for schools not to inform parents !


Trans is just a cult that has an obsession with certain sexual matters. It isn't real. Do you honestly think schools should be allowed to indoctrinate students into a bizarre sex cult and also be legally allowed not to tell the minor student's parents because they might be UPSET about their child's choice. Has it never occurred to you that it takes serious brainwashing to induce someone to sexually mutilate a perfectly healthy body? There are many highly controversial assumptions about so-called "trans" well before you get to the issue of notifying the parents.

Can a normal body with no mutations be diseased because the person imagines something is wrong with it? Historically doctors would have considered that the problem was mental since the person wasn't accepting objective reality. I think our society is undergoing mass hysteria about a male mind being trapped in a woman's body and vice versa. Indoctrination is likely the culprit here and not some mysterious mind-sex organs disconnect.

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