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October 05, 2024


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This racist food bank is just the latest DIE horror story. For thirty years the rancor has been building over a past the younger generation never experienced. There is an unfortunate view that nursing resentment is moral. Then lashing out over past and present transgressions against minorities becomes the right thing to do. Even whites as allies will play a avenger towards any individual or entity perceived to be a race or class oppressor. I fear this will get worse maybe to the point of the Purge movies that Trump was accused of mimicking. In actuality, the aggression on display in that franchise dovetails with the current popular mindset regarding social justice. Injustice in the form of open, government approved discrimination against whites is already normalized as is lawlessness in the form of looting and rioting. Can organized violence directed at whites be far behind?

The breakdown of US society is playing out rapidly right now. This isn't going to be resolved like the 60s when the student radicals transitioned into quasi-functional members of society (Some might say they've been festering in the background and infecting the young who have underdeveloped immunity to the critical race theory rhetoric.). We're headed for more violence I fear and that it will be personalized towards individual whites. I think the Obama Administration instigated this turn of events and have been quietly chipping away at the cultural, legal and moral underpinnings of the US since Obama left office. Kamala will be Obama on meth if she gets elected. This unfortunate possibility isn't a worse case scenario as far as I'm concerned, because the more blatant disregard for white American's rights coupled with terrible policies will incur resistance. I predict she'll only be a one-term president of she wins. Whites have to start thinking of themselves as oppressed minorities and defending their group interests with political pressure on DIE-friendly politicians and businesses and lots of lawsuits.

PS: Have you ever wondered if Obama's mother and grandparents were Soviet infiltrators like in the Amerikans series from a decade ago?


it is time for whites to tribe up. when overt racism is obvious and backed by govt, it will not be long before racism becomes attempted/successful genocide.

Ashley Squishy

What puzzles me is the level of gloating when Helene hit Asheville dead center. As everyone knows, Asheville is a hardcore leftwing community, and the artist community down by the river flats got the worst of it. Wonder where all those white racists were among them?

Larry Folds

Asheville is a town of hate. Perhaps God noahed them to start over. Who could even afford to live their pre-deluge? But don't worry,the wealthy will be just fine when the insurance covers their loses on our future raised premiums. Whites should stop donating to these POCAI food pantries if they're not going to be able to use it then. Without white donations and local white run stores donating, it wouldn't have any food for anyone because we know blacks don't like to donate, they only live to withdraw.

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