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November 25, 2024


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Lets thing of this: If it is humans causing global warming, and if the sun was to quit giving off heat, would the earth still be warm enough to support life, OR would the earth freeze?

REAL science has dictated with in 48 hours the entire earth would be one big ice cube. Therefore, the so called global warming caused by humans would not contribute to maintaining the earth heat.

We receive ALL and I say again ALL our heat from the SUN!


Remember When Leftist Climate Fanatics Told Us...

1960's - Oil gone in 10 years!
1970's - Another ice age in 10 years!
1980's - Acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years!
1990's - Ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years!
2000's - Polar ice caps will melt in 10 years causing oceans to rise wiping out worlds coastal cities!
2024 - - None of this happened! Except many charlatans such as Al Gore got filthy rich!


The simplest way to know that the climate hoax is a scam and a hoax is to look at how all the proponents of Anthropogenic Climate Change own coastal real estate despite asserting based on faulty data that much coastal real estate will be underwater in the future. If they really believed the doom they were prophesying they wouldn't own the coastal real estate. The private jet hypocrisy is pretty good too but owning coastal real estate is the kicker


it becomes obvious it is a scam when al gore supports it.


Excellent discussion of where "science" went wrong, Selwyn. I'm old enough to remember public discourse about a coming ice age then had some confusion in the 90s as "global warming" began being discussed by fear-mongering fanatics. I guess it could be assumed that the radicals had completed their takeover of higher education by the mid-90s so it's no coincidence that the universities also became dominated by critical race theory and the culture by political correctness at this time. Carry on righting these conceptual wrongs. Once the fight is won then we can perhaps discover some way to prevent the rational thinkers in higher education from gradually becoming more and more irrational again.

Roger Graves

It would be interesting to consider what our world would be like if the concepts of global warming and climate change had never entered our consciousness. For a start, wind and solar energy would not exist in the massive industrial form that they do today. EVs, if they existed at all, would probably occupy a niche as urban runabouts for those with facilities to charge them at home. Certainly nobody would use them by choice for long trips or in cold winters.

The concept of climate change has been immensely profitable for those involved in these technologies, and where there is a lot of money sloshing around one can guarantee that the core belief system supporting it all will be elevated into a quasi-religious form. This will result in hordes of academics exhorting us that climate catastrophe will shortly be upon us, public sector officials inundating us with climate-related regulations and politicians with campaign slogans which boil down to ‘vote for me or the world is doomed’. None of this supporting infrastructure will fade away gracefully, but fade away eventually it must.

I wonder what will replace it?

Howard Hirsch

Back in the 70s I taught a course in energy and environmental policy at Metro State University in St. Paul, MN--although decidedly not toeing the Sierra Club line.

While researching possible texts to assign to my students, I came across the following books, released almost simultaneously:

"The Cooling: Has the Next Ice Age Already Begun?" by Lowell Ponte (1976)

"Hothouse earth" by Howard A. Wilcox (1975)

So which was it? I guess the jury is still out on that, but between the two I suppose we can expect to break even.

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