Ex-president Bill Clinton, who in 1998 said in response to questions about infidelity, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky” (even though he did), apparently isn’t alone among Democrats in having the morals of an alley cat. That’s what a new study shows, anyway.
The recently released research, from the Institute for Family Studies (IFS), found that “Republican husbands, especially religious ones, are less likely to cheat on their wives than Democratic husbands,” the organization writes.
This isn’t the first time the IFS has discovered a Dem-Rep infidelity divide. In 2022, the organization studied women and found the same phenomenon. In 2017, it revealed such a gap between Democrats and Republicans in general. And related to this, the IFS discovered in 2015 that conservative counties have more stable families than Democratic counties do.
Of course, is this surprising? Would people who tout “situational values” and shades of gray have much regard for marriage vows?
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Sites That Help Married People Cheat
By Selwyn Duke
There's a lot of trash on the Internet, but I cannot think of too much that's worse than what I read about today: Websites that facilitate adultery.
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