Karl wrote:
Mr. Duke:
I sent your link to my list. This came in from a fellow who lives in south Africa. He's a good man. He gave me permission to forward to you. If you have time to correspond with him, I would be interested in being copied.Sent: 12/24/2009 12:09:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Re: Pagan Propaganda: The Other Attack on Christmas Sorry, but Mr Duke is wrong on many points. It is well established (and has been for more than 150 years in a wide range of scholarship) that Christmas and Easter are "Christianized" pagan events (along with dozens of others, including Lent, "All Saints Day," and so on). I personally have studied this issue deeply and for some years and I'm satisfied with the provenance of the scholarship and analysis. I'm afraid he's a reverse-PC revisionist. This kind of thing does little for the credibility of the cause of Biblical Christianity.
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The Economy is so Bad That . . . .
OK, I usually don't post emails I receive, but this one is just too good. I hope you enjoy it.
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